February 1st, 2008

[info]only_gremo in [info]slashy_hotness

Pimping the German Porn Battle

On my flist there was a very interesting post for German slash fans. [info]lenija started a poll about the German version of a Porn Battle. In German fandom there is no such thing. That's why she asks people about their opinion on that matter. I think every development of the German fandom should be supported.

So if you want to read more about it and maybe fill out the poll, go here (LJ link)!!!

Edit: Or go here to the same poll in IJ.
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[info]reijamira in [info]slashy_hotness


When I've checked my flist the other day I found something that piqued my slashy interest. It was a post about two actors who happen to be best friends and who acted together in a movie called "Y tu mamá también" in which there was some hot man on man action. Fans will already know which actors I'm referring to, for everyone else, I'm talking about Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal as seen on the picture below:

(Click on the thumbnail for a bigger version.)

They are cuties, aren't they?

In "Y tu mamá también" there was a hot and steamy kiss between those two, watch the slashy hotness here.

Well, I think I have to keep an eye on those two! They have so much slashy potential, don't you think?!

Source: ohnotheydidnt