DC-Area Fall Retreat's Journal


6th November 2009

9:37pm: Slashretreat drabble: World Enough and Time
Title: World Enough and Time
Author: lesyeuxverts
Beta: the fabulous and amazing [info]bewarethesmirk
Word Count: 299
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: err, hints at future Harry/Snape? maybe?
Warnings: character death (sort of)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Title stolen from Andrew Marvell.
AN: For [info]littleblackbow, who couldn't come to [info]slashretreat_dc but who was kind enough to send us all art via [info]slashpine! Mine was this lovely picture of Harry looking off into the distance, wistfully, with Snape in a dark profile in the background, so I used it as inspiration for this, though I'm not sure it was quite what [info]littleblackbow was envisioning with her art.

World Enough and Time )
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