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Feb. 27th, 2011


Parcel to Demelza Robins )

Feb. 21st, 2011


Characters: Demelza Robins and Vicky Frobisher
Setting: Their flat, late Monday afternoon
Summary: Vicky threatened to chose an outfit for Demelza and the time has come to make good on threats.
Rating: TBD

It wasn't her fault she had nothing but fantastic, impeccable taste no matter she chose. )

Feb. 19th, 2011


WHO: Vicky Frobisher & Demelza Robins
WHAT: It's time for another tattoo for Dem
WHERE: the tattoo shop?
WHEN: Friday night
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: Needles inside!/PG/Complete!

"I don't know," Vicky twisted her lips to the side and looked at her friend. Demelza had been trying to convince her to get a tattoo for what seemed like forever but Vicky just wasn't sure. She didn't do well with pain, not the needly sort of pain that came with a tattoo. She could deal with sprains and strains and the ache of overworked muscles, but even just piercing her ears had been difficult enough!

Aside from the whole pain issue was the fact that it wouldn't do for her to have visible tattoos while dancing and yes, Vicky knew she was magic and could easily cover it up, but she'd never really had any sort of desire to mark something on her skin forever.

"Doesn't it hurt a lot?"

Jan. 30th, 2011


Characters: Demelza Robins, Vicky Frobisher, Andrew Kirke, Open?
Setting: Early evening, the Leaky Cauldron
Summary: Demelza just wants a drink with friends! And everyone to give her free drinks and adoration! That's not so much to ask for is it?!
Rating/Warning: TBD but cursing is always a sure thing

Demelza had pushed herself up onto her tip toes to try and get a better view over the many heads in the pub. 'Giant though, Kirke, figure we'd certainly see if he were here yet.' )

Jan. 24th, 2011


Parcel Owl to Demelza Robins )

Jan. 22nd, 2011


Characters: Demelza Robins and Open
Setting: Early Saturday Evening at the Leaky Cauldron. Happy hour!
Summary: Happy hour? Demelza is killing time on the alley and would rather stop for a drink in the Leaky Cauldron than head straight home. Hilarity ensues?
Rating/Disclaimer: TBD

She looked up and down the street, weighing her options and considered whether she wanted to head straight for home, which was further down the alley, or stopping at the Leaky Cauldron first, which was closer. )