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February 19th, 2011

[info]too_much_pep in [info]sixdegreesrpg

WHO: Vicky Frobisher & Demelza Robins
WHAT: It's time for another tattoo for Dem
WHERE: the tattoo shop?
WHEN: Friday night
WARNINGS/RATING/STATUS: Needles inside!/PG/Complete!

"I don't know," Vicky twisted her lips to the side and looked at her friend. Demelza had been trying to convince her to get a tattoo for what seemed like forever but Vicky just wasn't sure. She didn't do well with pain, not the needly sort of pain that came with a tattoo. She could deal with sprains and strains and the ache of overworked muscles, but even just piercing her ears had been difficult enough!

Aside from the whole pain issue was the fact that it wouldn't do for her to have visible tattoos while dancing and yes, Vicky knew she was magic and could easily cover it up, but she'd never really had any sort of desire to mark something on her skin forever.

"Doesn't it hurt a lot?"

[info]sixdegreesmod in [info]sixdegreesrpg



Not since the Arrows' famed 1932 defeat of the Vratsa Vultures had the Appleby Pitch seen such a crowd as was gathered today for the inagural British and Irish Quidditch League All-Stars match. The match was officially sponsored by Diagon Alley businesses, two of whom secured naming rights for the teams... Scribbulus Writing Instruments presented Scribbulus' Scoundrels, in navy blue and maroon robes, and Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes gave us Weasley's Wheezers, in pink and lime green robes.

As was expected of such a star-studded roster, the game was a hard-fought one on both sides. The luck of the draw was in the Wheezers' favor as they fielded 2005 championship Harpies Chasers Montgomery, Spinnet, and Weasley, still a formidable combination despite having not played in this year's pre-season matches. They combined for eighty points in the game's first half hour before Scoundrels Keeper McCormack seemed to finally remember how to do her job.

Though Scoundrels Chasers Entwhistle, Griffiths, and Wood were all from different teams, they were able to make up ground against Wheezers Keeper Wood- the Scoundrels pulled ahead by a score of 170 to 120 after two hours of play.

The scores stayed tightly matched through the rest of the match, and both teams' Beaters helped trade (mostly minor) injuries all around. Scoundrels Beater Inglebee broke one of Wheezers Beater Abercrombie's bats with a bludger seemingly aimed at Abercrombie's head- perhaps a retaliation for Inglebee's Montrose teammate's earlier pre-season injury at Abercrombie's hands? Scoundrels Beater Jones and Wheezers Beater Jenkins exchanged hits that eventually resulted in Jenkins' removal from the game due to a broken leg. Wheezers Beater Abercrombie returned the favor to Scoundrels Chaser Griffiths ten minutes later.

The score was tight, though in the Wheezers' favor at 300 to 280 when Scoundrels Beater Inglebee hit a bludger to Wheezers Keeper Wood, breaking his arm. Just after this, the Snitch was finally spotted (after nearly three hours of play). Scoundrels Seeker Quirke had the first sighting, and Wheezers Seeker Williams stayed close on her tail as she tracked it... Read more... )

[info]tartaned in [info]sixdegreesrpg

Parcel delivered to Oliver Wood, c/o St Mungo's )

[info]heydude in [info]sixdegreesrpg

Who: Max, T, others how might show up?
What: Fight Club!
Where: Max's house!
When: Evening, Saturday 19 February
Rating: TBD - PG-13 at least. Probably some blood and shenanigans?
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

Fight Club was the beginning, now it's moved out of the basement, it's called Project Mayhem.  )