Jul. 23rd, 2016


Reminder Post

Today is the last day for Day One! We will have the changeover to Day Two tonight around midnight CST. You can put up placeholders if you won't have time to get up full threads or tidbits before then, or you can wait until future game days and do flashback posts. Just remember to tag your entries accordingly, and be aware of any existing, unanswered open threads before you post another starter.

This is also a reminder about the voting challenge for the serial killer premade. All interested parties, whether current or prospective players, must participate in this if they wish to apply for the serial killer premade. We're doing it this way not only because it's a popular premade, but so that players of the serial killer's future victims can have a say and a chance to plot with the potential killer beforehand, since we already have some in game. If we get no bites this week, we'll start it over again. If you have any questions regarding what we're looking for, you can comment on the aforementioned link or on the dropbox!

And, perhaps most importantly, our first major dino event is scheduled to happen at some point between Monday and Wednesday of next week. It will be a catastrophic experience, which is the perfect opportunity for some characters to get injured, or disposables to die, if anyone is feeling murderous. During this event, we encourage you to have your characters lose some of their possessions, but it's ultimately up to you what they're able to take with them or later find.