Sirius Black
..:... ..:::
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Day 2 Prompt Round Up

We had planned to round the prompts up every other day but since we had quite a lot come in today we decided to post them and save everyone the eye strain of looking at a huge wall of text a couple of days from now.

While day one was heavy on the gen prompts, day two seems to be mostly concerned with getting our dear Mr. Black laid. (Aww yeah. S.B.) We've also started getting some art specific prompts too. But of course, we're looking for still more, so please visit the prompting post and give it a little goose.

A bushel and a peck o' prompts )

Current Mood: good
Day 1 Prompt Round Up

 We've had our first day of prompting and I'm happy to say we've already received some fantastic prompts. However, we are shamelessly greedy and want more, a lot more, so please swing by the prompting post and leave some love.

You can take a gander at today's freshly baked prompts below.

Day One Prompts )

Current Mood: accomplished
Prompting Post

6/28/13: Prompting is now closed! Stay tuned for the last round-up post and the claiming post. Claiming will begin July 1!

Current Mood: good
Friday Rec on Saturday.

This week's Friday rec will be posted on Saturday due to weather related hassles on the part of this week's reccing mod. Hope those of you in the North East are staying warm and dry on this chilly and wet June afternoon.

Current Mood: cold
Sirius Black Fest 2013 Rules & FAQ

Hello all! Below you'll find the rules, FAQ, and timeline for our upcoming fest. If you have any questions that aren't covered in the FAQ please post them in the comments and we'll do our best to answer them.


Prompting Opens: June 10
Prompting Closes: June 28
Claiming Opens: July 1
Claiming Closes: Claiming stays open
Submissions Due: September 23
Posting Begins: October 1

Rules & FAQ

What is the Sirius Black Fest?

It is an anonymous, prompt-based fest in which any pairing or genre is permissible as long as the focus of the fic/art is on that most wonderful, talented, sexy, and dashing of the Blacks Sirius Black. (editor's note: Please change the password to the community; it seems someone has sussed it out...) We want Sirius doing everything and everyone you can think of.

Since this is an anonymous fest, we ask that all artists and authors not give away the details of their submission(s) to anyone other than their beta(s). A week after the fest finishes posting, all authors and artists will be revealed and will be free to post their works on their own journals. Until that time, we ask that everyone keep their submissions on the down-low.

Full rules behind the cut! )
If you're planning to join us as an author, artist, reader, or enthusiastic cheerleader, please join/watch: [info]sirius_blk
Entries will be crossposted to both Dreamwidth and Livejournal.
Our pimping banner can be found here and there will be more coming shortly.


For fic, please the include the fic header within the text of your fic document. For art, please include the art header in the body of the e-mail.

Fic and Art Headers )

We look forward to seeing all your tributes to my truly remarkable person, and if it wouldn't be a bother could you please see to it that I have loads of amazing sex, oh and that I get to ride my motorbike or better yet have loads of amazing sex on my motorbike. That would be brilliant! seeing your creations! (editor's note: Can someone please change the password already?!)

Current Mood: excited
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