Sirius Black
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Week One Wrap Up!

While Sirius is busy er, perfecting his one handed typing abilities this afternoon, we are taking a break so everyone can catch up on the stories and art that have been posted this week.
Week One )

Please mind the warnings on all art and fic posts!

Recs! We want your recs! If you've recced something from the fest please drop a comment on the recs collection post so we can ensure our creators get all the love they deserve.

And for more Sirius laden goodness, visit our affiliate R/S Games for all your puppy love needs.

Current Mood: accomplished
Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: No Life at All

Title: No Life at All
Author: Currently behind The Veil
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lily, Snape/Sirius, Snape/Sirius/Remus, mention of James/Lily.
Rating: NC-17
Prompt# Prompt #134:
You and me in our playhouse

Living in a veil

We never need to go without

Memories bring no joy or peace

We are alone

And all we need
Word count: 17 K
Summary: “The human is always ravenous. Nothing is ever enough….”
AU of the first war. Severus joined the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort was defeated. But those who survived didn't emerge from the war unscathed. Friendships were broken, lovers became strangers to each other. And it all started with Snape, naturally.
Warnings: Highlight to read*slash M/M/M, angst, mention of non-con, mention of torture *
Disclaimer: All rights to HP universe belong to JKR. I make no money from writing fanfiction.
A/N: Many thanks to _ and akatnamedeaster for their help and encouragement.
Part One: No Life at All )
Part 2

Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: No Life at All

Title: No Life at All
Author: Currently behind The Veil
Pairing(s)/character(s): Snape/Lily, Snape/Sirius, Snape/Sirius/Remus, mention of James/Lily.
Rating: NC-17
Prompt# Prompt #134:
You and me in our playhouse

Living in a veil

We never need to go without

Memories bring no joy or peace

We are alone

And all we need
(Song lyrics to Bernadette by IAMX)

Word count: 17 K
Summary: “The human is always ravenous. Nothing is ever enough….”
AU of the first war. Severus joined the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort was defeated. But those who survived didn't emerge from the war unscathed. Friendships were broken, lovers became strangers to each other. And it all started with Snape, naturally.
Warnings: Highlight to read*slash M/M/M, angst, mention of non-con, mention of torture *
Disclaimer: All rights to HP universe belong to JKR. I make no money from writing fanfiction.
A/N: Many thanks to _ and [info]akatnamedeaster for their help and encouragement.

Part Two: No Life at All )

Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: Hate That I Want You

Title: Hate That I Want You
Author:  Currently behind The Veil
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Bellatrix
Rating: NC17
Prompt #:77 Bellatrix had always disliked her handsome, younger cousin and when she finally gets him alone and helpless she decides to show him how much.
Word count: 2,072
Summary: Bellatrix gets Sirius alone and reveals why she hates him so much
Warnings: Highlight to read: *Toture, explicit non-con, cousincest*
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. Everything belongs to JKR, the publishers, or Time Warner Inc. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
A/N:Thanks to my wonderful beta _ for helping with this. It's the first time I've written non-con so I hope you like it

Hate That I Want You )

Current Mood: mellow
Sirius Black Fest 2013: Photography/Craft: Special Friends

Title: Special Friends
Artist: Currently behind The Veil
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Padfoot and Crookshanks
Rating: G
Medium: Knitting and photography
Prompt #: 31
Summary: Padfoot and Crookshanks share an outing.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: The characters and situations in Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Bros., etc. I do not profit from this entry.
A/N: No artist works alone. Many thanks to those who came up with the idea of this fest, to the moderators, the prompters, and to you, the viewer. Special thanks to my family for not asking, just going out and purchasing things like bamboo skewers at 9pm because I NEED them.
*These photographs are sole property of the artist that took them and may not be reposted anywhere without express permission from the artist.

Special Friends )

Current Mood: good
2013 Recs Collection Post

We'd like to spread the Sirius love far and wide so we want your recs! Pieces recced three times can be sent to the [info]daily_snitch and included in the "Hot Recs" section of their newsletter. The rules for submitting a piece to the "Hot Recs" are as follows:

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 If you've recced something please comment to this post, putting the name of the piece that you're reccing in the title of the comment and a link to the rec in the comment body.  When we collect three recs for a piece we'll send it over to the [info]daily_snitch.  We'll include a link to this rec collection post in the weekly round-ups.

 We would love for our artists and authors to have their works seen and appreciated by as many people as possible so if you've recced something, please let us know!

Current Mood: okay
Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: Right Now and So Strong

Title: Right Now and So Strong
Author: Currently behind The Veil
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Harry, (Hermione/Ron, Kreacher)
Rating: NC-17
Prompt #: 20 AU Sirius lives. After the war Harry moves in with Sirius and they both have nightmares and comfort each other. One thing leads to another…
Word count: 4,540
Summary: Please see the awesome, awesome prompt.
Warnings: Highlight to read: *godfather/godson, cross-gen (39/18), mentions of major canon character deaths*
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: Thank you to my brilliant betas _ and _. You are just lovely, and I'm sorry that because of prolonged computer problems I could not use your valuable insights. Thank you for your cheerleading and support!

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Current Mood: good
Sirius Black Fest 2013: Art: Sirius Black Art Nouveau

Title: Sirius Black Art Nouveau
Artist: Currently behind The Veil
Rating: PG
Prompt #:111
Summary:Sirius Black as an Art Nouveau illustration
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: This art is the sole property of the artist who created it and may not be posted anywhere else without the artist's express permission.

Read more... )

Current Mood: impressed

It's Oct. 1st and posting for Sirius Black Fest 2013 will start at 2pm EST today, but before we get underway, Kreacher has something he'd like to share with you.

A reminder )
What Kreacher was trying (very unsuccessfully) to say is:

  • Please review and comment. All of the participants took time out of their schedules to contribute to the fest and give you lots of goodies to look at and read, let them know that you appreciate their efforts. Whether it's a comment that rivals a short fic in word count or a simple back pat, comments give everyone a happy!

  • Please keep any constructive criticism to PMs to the artist or writer once the reveals have gone up. Concrit can be fantastic but an anonymous fest isn't really the place for it since the creator is unable to respond to it right away.

  • Please remember that this is an anonymous fest, so please do not repost your work until after reveals have gone up. This will take place a week after the fest concludes at which time you're free to repost where ever you'd like.

  • Please share your recs with us, we'd love to see them!

  • Remember entries will also be posted to Dream Width and Live Journal.

  • Most importantly, enjoy the next few weeks which will be chockablock with Siriusly wonderful art and fic!

Your mods: [info]akatnamedeaster, [info]shyfoxling, [info]figliaperduta

Current Mood: excited

Just an FYI, we will be turning on moderated posting tomorrow due to the fest; so if you had a story or a picture you were itching to post, you may want to do so before 12am EST.

We will turn off moderated posting once the last fest piece has been posted. Thanks and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Posting Begins 10/1!

Pimp us!

The deadline for submissions has come and gone and we are happy to report that all but five people have either submitted their work or have extensions with us. What this means is, we have a incredibly varied fest in the works with art and stories from some of the best creators in fandom. (Many of whom were kind enough enough to ensure I got a good bit of the other, thanks ever so!-S.B.) Posting starts one week from today at 2pm EST.  Hope to see you there!

Current Mood: excited

It's September 23rd, the day that submissions are due for those  of you who did not ask for an extension. While we've heard from most of you either on the comm. or via e-mail there are still a few of you who have not checked in with us. If we don't hear from you by 12am PST we are going to assume you have dropped out without notification.

 For those of you who submitted your work you should have gotten a confirmation e-mail from us, so if you did submit but did not hear from us it means the submission didn't reach us and you may need to resend it.

For those of you who have already submitted or requested an extension, thanks! We have had some wonderful submissions given to us and we're looking forward to sharing them with you!

Current Mood: anxious
Three Days Until Deadline

It's three days until the submission deadline of Monday the 23rd and while we have heard from most of you there are still a few of you who we haven't. If you haven't gotten in touch with us yes, when you get a chance please let us know where you stand with your submission. Thanks!

Having said that, we have already gotten in some fantastic art and fic that we can't wait to show you!

In the Home Stretch!

Ten days until the submission date of September 23, so if you need an extension or have any other concerns now would be the time to contact us!

We're looking forward to seeing what you've come up with!

Current Mood: good
Call for Betas!

With a little less than two months to go before our September 23rd fest deadline, we hope everyone is plugging away at their fics and art and getting close to the point of sending off their submissions to a beta.

With that in mind we're putting out a call for betas for those writers and artists who may be in need of one. So, if you're willing to handle beta duties for one of our fest participants please comment below. Please note if you're available to beta fic or art, and what sorts of stories/art you absolutely will not read (after all we wouldn't expect someone to beta what to them is a squick-fic.) or look at, and how you can be contacted (PM or e-mail, if e-mail please leave your addy.)

Alternately, writers can look to [info]hp_betas or hp_betas_wanted if they are unable to find a beta here.

Thanks in advance for any help!

And as always, there is still time to sign up if you want to join us!

Current Mood: busy
Claiming is Still Open!

We just wanted to remind everyone that claiming is still open for this year's fest, so if you were planning on joining us but haven't gotten around to it, there's still time!

Current Mood: good
Sirius Black Fest 2013 Prompt Claiming

Prompt claiming is now open! To preserve the mods' sanity as much as possible, we will be collecting all claims on the two LiveJournal posts.

Post 1 for Slash, Het, or Art-Specific
Post 2 for Gen or "Anything Goes"

Please leave your claim on the post that contains the prompt you want to claim!

Current Mood: scared
Days 6 & 7 Prompt Round Up

 Here's the prompts for days 6 & 7. We're taking prompts until 6/28 so if you'd like to leave one, please visit the prompting post. Thanks for all the great contributions we've gotten so far!

The Goods )

Current Mood: good
Prompting Continues, Spread the Word!

And we're looking for affiliates! Drop us a PM if you're interested!

Current Mood: good
Days 4 & 5 Prompt Round Up and a Question.

 As expected, prompting has slowed down a bit in days 4 & 5. However, that being said, we still got in a nice sized batch of interesting prompts in the last couple of days. There's still time to add to the list, so if you have any Sirius-centric plot bunnies gnawing at your brain, go visit the prompt post and set 'em free.

 Now on to other business. As I've said before, this is my first time at the rodeo with all the learning curve that implies and we may have made the prompting period a bit longer than it needs to be. To that end, the mods are thinking of shortening the prompting period and instead of closing prompting on 6/28, closing it one week earlier on 6/21.

This would mean claiming would happen sooner as well; we're thinking 6/24. Submission due dates and posting would remain the same; the only dates that would shift forward would be the prompting and claiming dates.

 What do you all think? Would you prefer the dates to stay as originally posted or should we close it early? Thanks in advance for any input!

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Current Mood: okay
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