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[Links:| Drabble Prompt Suggestion Box ]

Prompt 11 [Jul. 29th, 2008|04:38 am]
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Prompt # 11: Abandon suggested by [info]sweetmelodykiss 
LinkPet Snuffles

New Prompt: #10 [Jul. 8th, 2008|06:21 pm]

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Prompt #10: Sirius' Malediction
Link9 people pet Snuffles|Pet Snuffles

Prompt 9 [Jul. 1st, 2008|06:47 pm]

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New Prompt #9: Another Cat
LinkPet Snuffles

[Jun. 19th, 2008|08:47 am]

This is just a reminder that any of the previous prompts ( can be used at any time, and also that unprompted drabbles are accepted.
LinkPet Snuffles

Prompt 8 [Jun. 6th, 2008|06:19 pm]
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Prompt # 8: Variations on Reality

This can mean anything (alternate realities, virtual reality). This prompt came to me in a dream. Have fun!
LinkPet Snuffles

Prompt 6 [May. 6th, 2008|08:18 pm]
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Prompt #6: Snow Melting (suggested by [info]red_day_dawning)

Be creative. :-)
LinkPet Snuffles

Prompt # 5 [Apr. 30th, 2008|06:24 pm]

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Prompt # 5 - vindication.
Suggested by [info]sweetmelodykiss.

vindication: an act of vindicating : the state of being vindicated</span>; specifically : justification against denial or censure.

Vindicate: 1: obsolete : to set free : deliver
2: avenge
3 a: to free from allegation or blame
b (1): confirm, substantiate (2): to provide justification or defense for : justify c: to protect from attack or encroachment : defend
4: to maintain a right to
Definitions from Merriam-Webster online.
Link5 people pet Snuffles|Pet Snuffles

Prompt 4 [Apr. 18th, 2008|01:55 am]
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Prompt #4: Mirror Image (suggested by [info]red_day_dawning)

Can mean anything you want it to mean! Have fun!
LinkPet Snuffles

Prompt 3 [Apr. 8th, 2008|09:15 am]
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Prompt #3: Exposed (suggested by [info]sweetmelodykiss)

According to Merriam-Webster, exposed means:

1: open to view
2: not shielded or protected; also : not insulated <an exposed electric wire>

Go crazy. Go Azkaban crazy.

Link7 people pet Snuffles|Pet Snuffles

Asylum Announcement [Apr. 6th, 2008|08:54 pm]


Unprompted Sirius-centric drabbles are also welcome here, at any time. Please be sure to mention that the drabble was not written to a prompt in the notes!

LinkPet Snuffles

Prompt 2 [Apr. 2nd, 2008|12:13 am]
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First of all, I'm sorry this is so late! I know we planned for Tuesday, but I forgot. It's only been Wednesday for 15 minutes, though, so I'm close!

Prompt #2: Potion or Poison? (suggested by [info]red_day_dawning)

This can mean whatever you think it means! Go crazy. Go Azkaban crazy. (Okay, maybe not that crazy.)

LinkPet Snuffles

Prompt 1 [Mar. 27th, 2008|05:00 pm]
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Prompt #1: Aberration (suggested by [info]sweetmelodykiss)

Merriam-Webster Online defines the adjective form of the noun aberration as:

1 : straying from the right or normal way 
2 : deviating from the usual or natural type

Have fun!
LinkPet Snuffles

Drabble Prompt Suggestions Post [Mar. 27th, 2008|02:37 pm]

Hey, everybody, got a great idea for a prompt? Well go ahead and comment here with it!
Link15 people pet Snuffles|Pet Snuffles

Welcome [Mar. 27th, 2008|01:39 pm]

Welcome to [info]sirius100! Your lovely mods are [info]red_day_dawning and [info]sweetmelodykiss, as well as myself ([info]alwaysasnapefan). 

We decided it was past time someone made an asylum for one of the most interesting characters in the entire Harry Potter series, Sirius Black.
LinkPet Snuffles

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