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Shadows and Light - PG-13 [May. 21st, 2008|04:04 pm]

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Title: Shadows and Light
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: shadows
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:  JKR owns the HP characters and settings.

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Prompt #5 - vindication [May. 1st, 2008|04:03 am]

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Title: Vindication
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: #5 – vindication
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP characters


"All dressed up and no place to go?" sneered Snape.

"Don't need to go anywhere, Snape.  All good things come to those who wait.  So I'm waiting…"  Sirius replied, grinning widely, in a way calculated to most infuriate Snape.  Let him simmer, let him burn…

Snape sneered, as though he doubted that anything good would ever come Sirius's way.

Sirius smiled – he knew Kingsley was on his way.  Carefully, he adjusted the dog collar hidden under his shirt.


The expression on Snape's face was all Sirius could have hoped for – Kingsley began kissing him as though he would never stop.


Link7 people pet Snuffles|Pet Snuffles

drabble: mirror image prompt - "Shadows conceal" [Apr. 30th, 2008|06:17 pm]

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Title: Shadows Conceal
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: mirror image
Rating: G
Word count: 102
Disclaimer: The following is based on characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Mirrors reveal, shadows conceal , Sirius hummed, as he stood in front on the large mirror. It was the first time he had examined himself fully, since escaping… that place.

He appeared appallingly gaunt; once muscular shoulders reduced to sinew and bone, his buttocks sadly flat, his rib-cage and hip-bones a study in the anatomical arrangement in the human form.

Still, at least he could be clean and fresh-smelling – it seemed the least he could do before baring his form to his new lover, he thought, humming as he turned on the shower. And Kingsley didn't appear to mind.
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prompt #3 - "Exposed" [Apr. 15th, 2008|12:37 am]

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Title: Exposed
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: #3 - exposed
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Warning: none
Disclaimer: JkR owns the HP characters and settings.

The last echoes of Sirius's screams faded as he lurched awake.  His heart pounded as he frantically chanted, "Not in Azkaban, I'm not in Azkaban anymore."

He leapt up, an automatic response to hearing a murmured "Lumos."

"Oh, sorry," he mumbled, instantly and utterly ashamed.  Bad enough to sometimes wake Remus, sleeping in the next room.  But how the hell could he explain this to Kingsley?

"Are you alright?" Kingsley asked, his deep reassuring voice rumbling.

Sirius nodded, still trembling, unwilling to look at the other man.

"Come and lie down.  I'll keep you warm, love."

Exposed.  But still safe.

Link11 people pet Snuffles|Pet Snuffles

Challenge #2 -- Potion or poison? [Apr. 2nd, 2008|08:09 pm]


Title: A lot in common
Author: red_day_dawning
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #2 – potion or poison?
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP characters and settings.

"Ugh!  What is that shite?  Smells like poison."

"I am unlikely to poison the one individual with a tempering influence on you Black, be he a man or a beast."


"Quiet, Sirius.  Severus hasn't poisoned me yet – I am grateful for his skill.  Severus, please don't wind up Sirius."

"Hmmph!" was the synchronized response from the two wizards facing each other.

"See," Remus said sweetly.  "You really do have a lot in common."

Incredulous black eyes met surprised grey eyes; simultaneously their eyes narrowed as they looked at each other speculatively.

Remus smiled as he repeated, "A lot in common."

Link8 people pet Snuffles|Pet Snuffles

prompt # 1 - aberration - Falling Star [Mar. 28th, 2008|06:32 pm]

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Title: Falling Star
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: # 1 – aberration
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Warning/s: a foreshadowing of future death/sacrifice
Disclaimer: JKR, Bloomsbury and Warner Brothers own all the HP characters and settings.


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