May. 5th, 2010


after the ball

Matthew assures himself repeatedly that Kamal did not seem like the kind of guy to say he'd show up and then cancel, but he still breathes short until he can pick Kamal out of the crowd in the pub. After the performances he hurries in between the people, elbowing them aside while looking as inconspicuous as possible.

"Hey! Hey, you made it! Come backstage, I want you to talk to Greig. What did you think? Did you like the show?"

May. 2nd, 2010


time for tea and meet the in-laws

Andy is aware that he is losing Daphne's interest somewhat, but she is certainly not losing his, mainly as she still has not slept with him. To this end he has decided upon a new strategy to put things back on the course he is hoping for.

So on Sunday morning, fighting his hangover, he calls her to invite her to lunch with his family. Then he informs the others that he's having a girl over to meet them, and endures the somewhat suspicious looks this rather unprecedented act earns him. He calls down to room service for a decent lunch to be brought up, and even bothers to put on something not what he passed out in the night before.

And at twelve-thirty he is ready and waiting for her in the lobby of the hotel.

Apr. 7th, 2010



Claire and Greig are both early risers. To both of them, sleeping late is anathema. Never mind how late they got to bed, if it is morning, they must be up.

By ten past seven Greig has gone on his first jog of the day, showered, dressed, and joined Claire at a coffee bar across the street from the hotel. They're perched on tall stools in the front window, half behind the big gilt letters spelling out the shop's name.

Greig has a notebook balanced on his knee. Claire has loose notes ranged in front of her.

"I don't know," Greig says, "The Blue Kerchief is a good counterpart to An Old Man Courted Me, but with all the times we've done it, I can't decide if it should go before or after."