Dec. 9th, 2007


[Base Dump] Count Cain/God-Child {113 total}

Forewarning note for this post. This is a dump of bases I've made for Count Cain/God-Child characters; Cain, Jezebel & Riff. I made them for me and a couple friends whom were to rp said characters. Thus there is a lot of icons behind the following cuts. That said, it follows without saying really that the following is not going to be dial-up friendly. Sorry about that for where it counts but I don't want to split this up into three smaller posts really, not if I don't have to.

Cain (41) )
Jezebel (50) )
Riff (9) )
Other bases (13) )

Please comment and if you would credit either [info]jadeempress or [info]silversnake on your resources (or something similar) I would be exceedingly grateful!
So I'll know that someone out there has found a use for these other than just myself and my close friends. Which most likely will inspire more dumps like this in the future ^^


[Bases] D.Gray-Man & Disney {27 total}

D.Gray-Man (24) )
Disney's Lady and the Tramp (3) )



Brushes & Textures )
Graphics )
This should be filled slowly but surely once I actually post something other than bases here.