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8:08PM May 12th, 2009 Tuesday
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We have another new character to add to the game! Let's welcome Andromeda Tonks played by Ana!


8:23PM May 12th, 2009 Tuesday
Hello everyone!!

My name is Ana and I am playing Andromeda Tonks in this game.  She is one of my most fav. characters to play and I look forward to having her interact with all of your characters.

In this game she is 29 years old. She will be 30 on August the 28th. Her daughter Nymphadora is 10 in this game and is almost ready to head off to Hogwarts. This is something that is worrying Andromeda. She has grown very accostomed to having her there with her all the time and can not believe that she has grown up so fast.

She lives with her husband Ted in a cottage in the English countryside. The house is a bit cluttered and small but is quite cozy and safe, which is all she cares about.

Andromeda is an Order member. She was recruited by her dear Cousin Sirius. Ted is NOT a member and is completly unaware of the Order and that Andie is a part of it. She has not told him because she wants to protect him and her family and feels like this is the best way.  She did her best to help the Order and was quite the active member during the time she was a part of it.  The death to Dumbledore hit her VERY  hard since she saw him as a second father of sorts.  Ever since then she has tried to move on and just focus on her family.  She has been giving healer training a great deal of thought now that Dora is going to Hogwarts next year

My aim is comagirly 84 if you want to chat or discuss anything. If I am not online you can email me or pm and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


10:21PM May 12th, 2009 Tuesday
Hello! Sorry this was later then expected, but I've been all over the place the past few days between work and the hockey playoffs lol.

So yes! I'm Rachel (not Raquel, as Tokya so lovingly put on the contact list :P) and I play the lovely Frank Longbottom. He's going to be 25 in October, and has a rambunctious almost-three-year-old named Neville. Well, as rambunctious as Neville can get. It is the terrible twos after all!

He's an Auror and a member of the Order, is an avid Quidditch fan (he doesn't have a "favorite" per say, but he follows Puddlemere and Tutshill mostly), and spends most of his off time either hanging out with his family or out having a drink or two with friends. Him and James became better friends then they already were during their wives pregnancies, and after everything that happened with the prophecy between the two families, Frank has a soft spot for the Potter's.

As for me, Lots of personal and work related drama going on at the moment that I'd rather not talk about, so if I disappear for days at a time, that's why. But I'm going to play as much as I possibly can. The main time I'll be on is weekend evenings, because that's when I'm at the job that I'm on the computer for hours at a time. I was in a prior game with our lovely mod Tokya and our James, who has yet to appear lol, so ignore any pet names Tokya has for me :P

For whatever reason, I'm not on the friend add list *GLARES*, so you may need to add me directly. Unless I'm no longer in the game and noone told me lol. My AIM is srslypotter, so whenever you see me on, hit me up!

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