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7:45PM May 11th, 2009 Monday
Hello, everyone. This is the main Mod, Tokya. I'm just going to quickly introduce myself and my three characters: Lily Potter, Narcissa Malfoy, and Regulus Black.

I just graduated from undergrad on May 9! Woo! I'm so glad to be done. I love to RP and I love to Mod games. My favorite games are the ones that allow the players to control the plot. So while there will be a main plot that the game centers around, I want plenty of input from the Muns and plenty of side plots so you all can interact. I know this game will start off really small, but I hope it grows and we all have tons of fun.

There is another Mod, but she prefers to linger in the background and help me with the big projects and applications, which is why you only really hear from me.

Now for my characters.

When it comes to stereotypes, Lily Potter is the mixture of a typical Gryffindor and Ravenclaw in behavior. She's stubborn, brave, tough, values knowledge above all else, and prefers to be objective rather than subjective. Lily, however, is far from emotionless. She cares deeply about her husband and her friends. Lily likes to have fun, but tends to distance herself from the destructive types of fun that her husband and his friends have. ([info]redflowerpot)

Narcissa Malfoy is a pureblood born and bred. She does not falter for even a moment in her behavior as a well-constructed lady, which admittedly can be tiresome at times. Being perfect isn't easy, after all. A socialite for life, Narcissa loves to host gatherings and events for her social equals. Narcissa always finds herself in the company of her husband, sister, or friends and rarely likes to be alone. ([info]hisociete)

Regulus Black regrets almost everything he's gotten himself into since Hogwarts. As a Death Eater, he has realized he's gotten in over his head. He was glad for the fall of the Dark Lord as it gave him a reason to go into hiding. When his forearm seared with pain, however, he knew that the Dark Lord was not dead. Nevertheless, Regulus did not gather with the rest of the Death Eaters at the Dark Lord's summon. He knows this was a deadly mistake, so he remains in hiding. ([info]thelastblack)

I hope to play with all of you soon! I'll pretty much have endless free time for most of the summer, so feel free to IM me when you see me online. :D

Also, make sure you all pimp this game as much as you can so more people will join! ;)

[Lily | Narcissa | Regulus]

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