Posts Tagged: 'sanada+genichirou'

May. 10th, 2011


[Log] Atobe and Sanada

Who: Atobe Keigo and Sanada Genichirou
Where: Atobe's house and Sanada's house, limousine, airport x2, hotel at Osaka.
When Feb 11th
What: The beginning of the Osaka weekend~
Rating: PG
Comments: The first of many logs we didn't post XD

(Damn that Oshitari)

Jan. 25th, 2011



[Log] Atobe and Sanada

Who: Tangooooo Atobe Keigo and Sanada Genichirou
Where: The streets of Kanagawa, then Sanada's home
When Er... today?
What: Atobe takes an interest, and Sanada is a dork
Rating: PG
Comments: Slowly but surely, it'll build XD then KERPOW!

Is there a reason you followed me home, Atobe? )