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Posts Tagged: '%21+fandom+stop:+hogwarts+et+all'

Mar. 2nd, 2016



Ok, so now that I have a wand, what do I do with it??



Texts To Teddy

» Azkaban is still awful
» entertain me??

Mar. 1st, 2016



Who: Bryce Nast and Dorian Pavus
What: Actually getting along
When: Tuesday evening
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Warnings: None
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )



I am standing in front of a place I have never heard before........ Hog's Head? Seriously?



If I get fussed at to sleep one more damn time I'm going to start smacking people, so help me.

Kind of had a friend to be worrying about, people. Sleep was the last thing on my mind.



St Mungo's is boring as hell. Still no word on if they caught the stupid arse that put me here. Still bored.

Tell me something interesting is going on.


You free yet?



What the hell is this place? I swear..........



I have to say this place is incredible. So many incredible things to look at.

Feb. 29th, 2016



This is...... okay, how did I get here? Is this....... what is this place?



Blaine, baby? Okay, I'd enjoy this place a LOT more if my fiance was here.



What is this? Can someone tell me? Am I really.... wherever this place is?



WHO: Maine The Meta and YOU.
WHAT: Introductions. Sort of. AKA "Have you heard the one about the dead space marine on a cruise ship?"
WHEN: After his arrival, we'll say the first couple days while he's Adjusting.
WHERE: The ship and Hogsmeade. Since that is where people actually are.

WARNINGS: Maine is violent and terrible with people on a good day, and at the moment he's even LESS good at it because he doesn't actually know what to do with himself right now and he's in a strange place. Also angry over the situation he came from. So...yeah. Sorry?

Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth )



Well, this is certainly... I don't know what this is.

Aside from finally stranger than anything I've ever seen. And I've seen strange.



Muggles in Hogsmeade, I never thought I'd see it...but it's quite brilliant, isn't it?



Who: Draco and Harry
Where: Various places; Lake, Hogwarts Great Hall, and Room of Requirement
When: Early evening, shortly after this
What: Spending time alone together
Rating: TBD [medium to high for slash content, will update as needed]
Status: Closed; in progress


Finally, no more distractions )

Feb. 28th, 2016



Who: Whoever Wants to be there
What: Gathering Post
When: Sunday All Day
Where: The Three Broomsticks - Hogsmeade
Warnings: TBD, please tag your threads
Status: Open/Ongoing/Party Post

The Three Broomsticks is a popular inn and pub in the all wizarding village of Hogsmeade. The inn is often warm, crowded, and a bit smoky, but clean and welcoming. A mirror behind the bar reflects the cosy atmosphere, and drinks such as Butterbeer and Firewhiskey are served in glasses and in foaming pewter tankards, as well as gillywater, mulled mead, red currant rum, and even cherry syrup and soda with ice and an umbrella.

All of you griping about Hogwarts should be quiet.
This is a wonderful place and I called it "Home" for seven years of my life.
You'll love the food the House Elves prepare.
Just... Stay away from the Flobberworm Fritters.



What the...? Where am I now?

Sayid? Anyone?



Ian can be found roaming around the Weasley joke shop amazed at all the magical doohickies and gadgets. He might be getting confused odd looks from people since he has red hair and hand-me-down clothes.

"No, my name isn't Weasley."

Feb. 27th, 2016



Who: Mòrag Macdougal
What: Hells Bells
When: HP Stop, Saturday
Where: Knockturn Alley, then Azkaban
Warnings: Azkaban.
Status: Narrative Closed//Reaction threads allowed

Hells bells, they're dragging you under )

”So who wants to rescue me from Azkaban?”