Apr. 24th, 2015


Just a reminder that today is your last day to get tickets for the masquerade tomorrow night.

I'm rather excited for all of you to come by! La Vida Underground has been kind enough to provide food for the night, all drinks are provided by The Elysium for those of age, and we have a blend of DJ and live acts to entertain you throughout the night.

Get your dresses, get your suits, and if you can't bring your own mask, one will be provided for you. It should be a good time!

Apr. 6th, 2015


I wish everyone would just calm down. Please. Just calm down.

If anyone who works for me is willing to pick up extra shifts tending bar, I would greatly appreciate it. I'll even take new applications for the front. I don't know how much longer I can work out there if this keeps up.

Mar. 28th, 2015


Dear Ostrieans,

I have an exciting announcement to make! The Elysium has decided to host a masquerade on April 25th. Tickets can be purchased through the network from me or my staff, or in person at the club.

Formal attire is required, as are masks. However, if you cannot purchase your own mask prior to the ball, we will have some standard masks we can provide for you upon arrival. But you should note that the bouncers will not allow anyone into the club without one.

I will keep you all updated as we continue making plans for the night. I'm hoping to have some exciting musical acts lined up for you, as well as our usual DJ.

I hope to see you all there!


March 28th ;; noon

There's this giant breadfruit taunting me from its tree outside my window. It's telling me to go outside, pick it, slice it and fry it. If you don't hear from me in three or four days, I fell out of the tree and hit my head. Send help.


Things I hate:
When you go along your movie shelf for something to watch and you've watched them all.

HELP. I need movie and television show suggestions. Preferably terrible ones. Because real talk: there is absolutely nothing in the world better than watching a horrible thing and picking it apart.

Mar. 25th, 2015


March 25th ;; afternoon

Some days, it seems as though there isn't enough coffee in the world.

On the plus side, today it's been determined that my junior class will be holding a performance of the Bard's Play for their final project. We're seeking volunteers to spread the word and help with costume design, if anyone is interested.