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Jul. 30th, 2016


Elias rolled his ankle on the ball of his foot, then rolled the other. He didn't know the music in the background but neither did he particularly care: the Swedish pop music was sung too fast for him to catch onto the words and the music looped the same candy-coated tune so often that it had become white noise.

His eyes were fixed on the aortic aneurysm currently under repair, his nose twitching a little under the mask as he watched Dr. Sjöwall's hands move deftly, surprising considering the Chief of Surgery's age. The graft that he'd meticulously cut was nearly sewn into place and Elias found, as he always did during surgery, that his hands itched to be inside the tall man suffering on the table. In this setting? With these tools? He could do anything. After all, he'd done similar in far worse conditions.

He bound his hands together behind his back in an attempt to ignore the compulsion to do and looked up from the chest cavity to see a familiar face.

Sep. 7th, 2015


WHO: Elias Seirawan, Farah Kanaan, and special guest Marius Goldman
WHAT: Elias and Farah are not interested in romance.
WHEN: At a party on Saturday early evening

That can’t be true, you wouldn’t be meeting me if it was. )
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Aug. 29th, 2015


WHO: Elias Seirawan and Jo Bei
WHAT: Elias meets Jo
WHEN: Sunday morning in Hawaii and Sunday evening in Stockholm

It was a bedroom, not a bus and it was morning, not evening. )
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WHO: Elias Seirawan and Donovan Gallagher
WHAT: Elias meets Donovan
WHEN: Saturday morning in Stockholm, Saturday night in Victoria

He didn’t feel crazy, but wasn’t that always the way? )
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Characters: Jo and Mike (NPC)
Where: Honolulu, USA.
When: 4.X years ago
Prompt: Enough.

Alicia? Bridget? Cara? Diana? Emily? Fiona? Gigi, Hailey, Isobel, Jessica-- )

Aug. 27th, 2015


Where: Sydney, Australia
When: 28/8/2015, 8am.

The Beginning )

Aug. 25th, 2015


Characters: Jo and Mike (NPC)
Where: Honolulu, USA.
When: 5 years ago
Prompt: Balloons.

I'm surprised he managed to even get a date. He's usually really bad with women. )

Aug. 5th, 2015



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