March 6th, 2010

[info]be_fair in [info]secundum_ooc

Whoops. This is me, being a little late on the bandwagon here!

I am Ginger, and I'm bring Benjy Fenwick to life about these parts. He's a seventh year Ravenclaw, and a Prefect. Canon has given him very little to work with, so he needs friends and enemies and acquaintances and... everything else! There's information on him in this journal as the first entry. Basically, he's just a generally nice guy that works hard to hide any flaws he might have. On another note, he quite firmly stands up for what he believes in and is clearly for the, uh, "good guys." He's also a halfblood, as his mother's a Muggle.

I'm around pretty often, on AIM at New Londons Fire. I can also be reached by PM. I'd love to plot, chat, etc! :-D

[info]bewaretheyves in [info]secundum_ooc

This is Alex. I fell asleep, and then I woke up again. :)

This is Evan Yves Robespiere Rosier, son of the same Rosier who attended school with Tom Riddle, and a friend of the Dark Lord's while growing up. Rosier ended up being one of the first followers of the Dark Lord, and his son is following in his footsteps. He is also the son of pureblood witch Marlena Robespierre (distant relative of Maximillien Robespierre. Bet you Muggles didn't know that about the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror). Evan Rosier comes from a long line of prejudiced, blood lusting, angry people who tend to rile up others wherever they go. He intends to do the same in his life. He is also cousin to Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa.

His information is available here.

You can reach me at yaykebab on Aim or

I'll add Stella in the morning!

April 2010



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