Oct. 9th, 2009


Log: G, Michael & Theo

Who: Theo and Michael
Where: London Philharmonic concert
When: Evening
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Summary: A chance meeting.
Status: Complete

Theo had lingered in his seat as the crowd filed out of the concert hall, waiting for the worst of the crush of people to be gone before he made his way out into the lobby. It had worked– now it was mostly just occupied by musicians, carrying their instruments toward the doors.

The sight of a familiar face jarred Theo from his thoughts– he had thought he'd recognised him, but he hadn't been sure from the audience.


Sep. 19th, 2009


Log: Draco, Harry, ?

Who: Draco
Where: The Ministry of Magic
When: Mid-morning
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Language?
Summary: Draco attempts to pay a visit to the Department of International Magical Cooperation
Status: Open

If the Bulgarian deal has fallen through, I'm going to be furious. )

Sep. 16th, 2009


Log: TBA, Blaise & Theo

Who: Theo and Blaise
Where: Ministry and elsewhere
When: Evening
Rating: TBA
Warning(s): TBA
Summary: Blaise pries Theo away from the office.
Status: Incomplete

Theo is scowling at a thick sheaf of parchment with the air of a man who would very much like to hurt something when there's a knock on his office door, and his head snaps up. That late already? he thinks, and glances at the clock. His co-workers never bother to knock; Blaise, on the other hand, would have to. Theo drops the locking spells from his door with a quick, sharp flick of his wand.

"Open," he calls, shuffling his work out of sight.

Sep. 14th, 2009


Draco firecalls Blaise, see, these are the depths to which he's been forced to creep

Who: Draco
Where: In his London flat
When: Shortly after hearing Shaklebolt's load of rubbish
Rating: PG for possible probable language
Warning(s): See above
Summary: Draco firecalls Blaise
Status: open

With a semi-hysterical burst of green flame, Draco's head and shoulders materialise in Blaise's fireplace. )

Sep. 13th, 2009


Blaise: Following Shacklebolt's Address

Who: Blaise Zabini & his mother
Where: Zabini Manse, AKA "Widow's Peak"
When: Immediately following Shacklebolt's address
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Summary: Blaise and his mother react to Shacklebolt's address to the wizarding world.
Status: Complete

We have Obliviators for a reason )


Transcript of a brief address given by Minister Shacklebolt. )