scotopia rpg's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
scotopia rpg

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[25 Sep 2008|10:14pm]
Who: Augustus Rookwood and Frederick Averett
Where: The Department of Mysteries
When: 2:00 p.m. Sept. 25
What: A little coercion.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. )
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[25 Sep 2008|11:23pm]
WHO: Macwick
WHAT: Makin' a baby
WHERE: Mary's flat, London
WHEN: Late night/early morning, 25-26 September 1979

E tan, e epi tan )
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[25 Sep 2008|11:27pm]
Owl to Andromeda Tonks )
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[ viewing | September 25th, 2008 ]
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