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Find Your School-based Roleplays Here! - October 18th, 2014

slusheesOct. 18th, 2014 03:58 pm

Unhappy with all those crazy spoilers for Glee season six? Jump ahead with [info]slushees and make it right! We are a role-play that uses Glee as a starting point to create our own world with our favorite characters, new and old. Got a favorite Glee character that you KNOW you could have written better? Here's your chance! [info]slushees, a "Glee Fix" role play experience that takes place after season 6.

Currently we are looking for: Santana Lopez, Artie Abrams, Mike Chang, Dave Karofsky, Ryder Lynn, Kitty Wilde, Mercedes Jones, Unique Adams, the season 6 newbies (Roderick, Spencer, Jane, Mason & Madison), Vocal Adrenaline's Clint, Bree, Brody Weston, Adam Crawford, Sebastian Smythe, Thad Harwood, Nick Duval, Jeff Sterling, & Hunter Clarington (Warblers), Jesse St. James, Joe Hart, Cooper Anderson, Sugar Motta, Rupert Campion, Jean-Baptiste of Throat Explosion, Biff McIntosh and more. Apply here!

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