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Find Your School-based Roleplays Here! - April 17th, 2014

otsukimimodsApr. 17th, 2014 09:41 am O-Tsukimi

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triumph_modApr. 17th, 2014 03:59 pm

Mount Triumph

Where do you go when practically everyone in your life has given up on you, you’ve given up on yourself? For a lucky few there is a special year-round school for troubled teens located in the Cascade Mountains approximately two and half hours northeast of Seattle and miles from nowhere in rural Washington State. Mount Triumph High School is one part private boarding school, one part rehabilitation centre in a mountain cabin setting. The students there come from all walks of life from the high school football star to the girl from the trailer park and the aim of the school is to give the kids a second chance, a way to get their life on track, and as such it relies heavily on donations to keep the doors open to everyone who truly needs them.

The staff at Triumph help the students deal with their problems no matter what they are or how bad. Drug and alcohol abuses, eating disorders, emotional problems, as well as their varied and dark root causes... nothing is to serious or scary to the counsellors or teachers. The school is to be a safe haven, a sanctuary away from the societal, social, and familial pressures that contributed to their problems, and a safe place to heal.


First and foremost, we are looking for active writers with a desire for a stable place to play and develop their characters over the long term. Mount Triumph has been around since March of 2009 and hopes to be around for a long time to come.

More specifically, we could use some more students. There's a good chunk set to graduate in the coming months and lots of open slots. If a staff job is more your thing, a few teaching spots recently opened up, and there are other openings around the school as well.

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