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Find Your School-based Roleplays Here! - January 18th, 2014

spnhighJan. 18th, 2014 02:37 am

South Peak National Institution

South Peak National Institution or Supernatural(SPN)High as it's not so affectionally called, is a place where unruly children, teenagers, and adults are sent by either by choice, their parents, or a court of law, to reform and rehabilitate their not so pleasant behaviors.

South Peak is special, taking in only the toughest cases. Weres, Shifters, Vampires, Witches, Gifted Humans and other Supernatural beings are taught to control their instincts and blend in with society. Here a talented staff of teachers, Hunters, and officers provide a safe learning environment for all enrolled. Some have rap sheets a mile long, others have been bitten and turned against their will and some were just born with their gifts. But all have one thing in common, they are all stuck in this secluded reformatory high in the Catskills. Can they all learn to coexist? No one knows for sure.

School or Prison?
Cast // Application
Mod Journal // Species // Taken/Holds // Rules // Housing // Schedules // Wanted

Now Open!!!!!!.

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