Schloss Eberbach

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Schloss Eberbach


March 15th, 2008

Eroica Addicts Anonymous, romanticising news headlines since 1975

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By: enigel

Posted: March 15, 2008

(Disclaimer: In no way do I condone art thefts, or indeed real life thievery of any kind...)

...but it seems that Eroica & co have been keeping busy:

"The theft of the century" in Switzerland - men with ski masks, bold as brass plain day theft. No one was hurt. Experts say that the paintings are too well-known to be sold. Aren't they hanging in some North Downs castle, I wonder...? "The boy in the red waistcoat" sounds like something Dorian would fancy... ;)

(I side with direaliete, however, who alerted me to this theft, that it can't be related to the Picasso one. We don't see Dorian going for Picasso.)

Jewelry stolen in Italy - "Before Sunday's real-life Italian Job, they had dug for several weeks from a building under construction next door. [...] The seven men, unarmed and unmasked" [...] "The thieves tied the staff up with plastic cable and sticky tape." (Sounds like James' cheapness, right?) [...] "Police say it was an extremely professional job" - thanks to Dorian's graceful style, no doubt.

How's Klaus doing these days, though?

• Preparing for the NATO Summit, maybe. (If my compatriots are as prepared as they've got me used to, Klaus is going to have a lot of shouting to do...)

(I [still] know the difference between reality and fiction, so I will not lurk around the building trying to catch a glimpse of the German delegation. ;) Though tempted I am... But it's funny, because last year I wouldn't have cared about this summit except for the fact that the airport's going to be closed for three days, causing even more chaos than usual, and now I find it fascinating.)

March 22nd, 2006

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INF, NATO, the US and West Germany
I'm doing research for a story that is set in 1987 and came across this article dated April 21, 1988.
Full article here.
It's lengthy and very helpful in my research, but several of the statements made me chuckle. Especially when one considers the events that followed in Germany and the Soviet Union shortly thereafter.

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