Schloss Eberbach

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Schloss Eberbach


September 21st, 2007

Wild Boar

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By: Magaret Price

Posted: September 21, 2007

Notes: I corrected someone the other day when they called the boar in an Eroica drawing a warthog. They then asked, "What's the difference?" So, being the information junkie that I am, I looked it up.

Now, I must share what I learned about the wild boar in Great Britain, compliments of Wiki.

The wild boar became extinct in Great Britain and Ireland by the 17th century, but wild breeding populations have recently returned in some areas, particularly the Weald, following escapes from boar farms.

Being unfamiliar with where the "Weald" is, I clicked the link...

As a geographical term, the Weald is a region in the South of England situated between the chalk hills of the North Downs and South Downs, that extends across the counties of Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex and Surrey.

I am way too easily amused.

Incidentally, the wild boar and warthog are not the same thing. They are in the same Suidae biological family, however.

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