Schloss Eberbach

February 25th, 2008

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Schloss Eberbach


February 25th, 2008

Introduction and a question!

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By: nekoashi

Posted: February 25, 2008

Notes: 'Lo 'lo everyone! I've been semi-lurking around this community for about two years and finally decided to officially introduce myself. I've been actively following the comings and goings of this community and found that the people in this fandom are really wonderful ^_^ It's been delightful to read everything posted here, and now it's time for a question of my own!
About Klaus and Sister Theresa... )
I started contemplating the idea, and I think this would partly explain why Klaus is so shocked to realise how much older Sister Theresa has gotten during his years of absence. In his memories, she was still relatively young, but she has aged a lot since then. You cannot deny the melancholy we see when Klaus departs from her. I think during his visit his feelings changed, and that afterwards he truly sees her as a motherly figure only. Just try and compare the two Sister Theresas saying “Klaus, you really do like chips, don’t you?” on pages 12 and 53 (the latter ends the side story, and we all know that last sentences are very important in storytelling).
I’m not trying to force a theory on anyone; this is just how the side story came across to me. I’m all for Dorian and Klaus getting together (like that'll ever happen T__T), I’m just saying that everyone has a history and it would be like Klaus to fall in love with someone unattainable like Sister Theresa. I could ramble about my psychological theories for hours but I’ll just say this: Even Iron Klaus is human. Now, I’m interested in what other people thought about it, or if you thought about it at all. If this has already been discussed somewhere then I’m sure someone has phrased better what I’ve been trying to communicate here.
Thanks if you read this far! So, opinions, everyone? ^_^
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