Posts Tagged: '%21character:+finley+feovix'

Feb. 18th, 2019



Who: Caspian & Fin
What: First encounter
Where: A stretch of Central Park
When: February 12, late
Rating: PG13 purely for language. Watch your mouth, Fin!
Status: Complete

You call that graceful? Yeh? I’ve seen more grace in a banana peel layin on the street..
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Feb. 14th, 2019



PARADOX Valentine's Day Fundraiser!

Who: Everyone!
What: A charity event for mutants
When: February 14th, 6:00pm to 11:30pm
Where: Tribeca Rooftop
Rating/Warnings: TBD - Please rate/warn your threads appropriately.

Going once, going twice, sold! To the gentleman in white! )