Posts Tagged: '%21complete'

Feb. 18th, 2019



Who: Caspian & Fin
What: First encounter
Where: A stretch of Central Park
When: February 12, late
Rating: PG13 purely for language. Watch your mouth, Fin!
Status: Complete

You call that graceful? Yeh? I’ve seen more grace in a banana peel layin on the street..
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Feb. 10th, 2019



Who: Ilsa and Nosah
What: First meeting
Where: Early 2017
When: Evening
Ratings/warnings: Passive mentions of vigilantism
Status: Complete!

The best way to end a fight is to not start one. )



Who: Kat and Caspian
What: Random coffee encounter
Where: Manhattan
When: Thursday February 7th
Ratings/warnings: medium for mind control

~~~~ )

Feb. 8th, 2019



Black Flamingo

Who: Caspian Finn & Marina Markova
What: A casual encounter
When: Saturday, Feb 2 - late evening
Where: The Black Flamingo Brooklyn, New York
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Hey, hey Mama said the way you move, Gon’ make you sweat, gon’ make you groove.
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Feb. 5th, 2019


Who: Nosah and Elliot
What: Meetup at the watering hole and sparks fly
Where: Al’s Bar, Shangri-La
When: 31 January 2021
Ratings/warnings: Innuendo and implied sexytimes

The beers were cold, the burgers hot, and nobody gave a damn who you were or what you looked like as long as your money was good. )

Feb. 3rd, 2019



Who: Julia & Brooke
What: Reconnecting!
When: Mid-June 2020
Where: Harding Park - Shangri-Li - Bronx
Warnings: Yoga. Awkwardness. Cute stuff.

What did the cat say when the mouse got away? )