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New Kid on the Block! [Sep. 5th, 2012|08:49 pm]


I'm Alex and brand new to the game. More importantly, this is Tracey Davis! I'm terribly terrible at intros, so her info can be found here. For the most part, Tracey is very private about her personal life, like that whole being a halfblood thing. Instead, she'll talk business with people for hours and hours. She will be helping out on the business side of Daphne's shop, which is super fun for her.

Tracey can come off as pretty snobbish, and non-caring to others at first. After a lot of warming up, she's actually not that terrible. She's better at hiding her true feelings and thoughts than expressing real emotions. In other words, Tracey can be incredibly complex. At her Grandparents request, she was brought up as a proper lady, and acts as such. If it wasn't for that whole enjoying making large and expensive deals, Tracey would have been a perfect socialite wife. Now, she's just married to her job. That doesn't mean she can't have friends and a little fun. So plots?

I can always be found at since it's easier to check my email than anything else, and I'm pretty quick to respond. Anyway, I'm stoked to start playing!

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Millicent Bulstrode! [Jun. 18th, 2012|10:35 pm]
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Hello again everyone. Man, once you get started you just can't stop! Haha! Leah here, introducing Millie. Now Millie is not friendly, doesn't care what your tragedy is, and has a secret grudge against the pure-blood society she wants to be a part of. And she's desperately in need of plot! So bring your ideas! :D
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Hello! Intro Ahoy! [Jun. 18th, 2012|06:29 pm]

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Hello new place! I'm Sarah, and as I know there is more than one Sarah around here (hello you sexy thing you <33), you can call me Sarah 2. Or Awesome Sarah, whatever works best. Anyway, for those that don't know me, I'm a 30 year old married high school history and Speech&Debate teacher. I am currently on summer break (WOO!!) though I do teach summer school-but it's only 2 hours a day. So, basically I have a lot of free time and I love to fill it with rp! I love plotting ALL THE TIMES and you can reach me on AIM most readily, though I respond to email and obviously messages on my contact post, but I like plotting most on AIM. You can find me at oliverwoodwood.
Also, I love gifs

Sooo, now for the important bit! I bring you one Alicia Spinnet. Former Gryffindor Chaser, same year as Fred andGeorge, Angelina, and Lee Jordan. She'd be good friends with any of the Quidditch players from around that time, because Quidditch is like her second family. She's quite close with her dad and grandmother, but her mum abandoned the family when she was small because she's a selfish bitch.. Anyway, she loves her fellow Quidditch players! She's Chaser now for Pride of Portree and lives in a small cottage on the Isle of Skye. She's blunt, like, it's impossible for her to hold her tongue, but she's always honest and she's usually fun to be around. She's never really had a boyfriend other than Lee for a few months in 6th year, and holds a secret candle for George Weasley, but other than that she tends to be kinda crap with men. She gets bored easily and she doesn't like to play games. Ummmm...not sure what else to say, other than she DEFINITELY thinks blood purity crap is shite and would probably punch someone who tried to say something bad about anyone (friend or not) based on blood purity.

Soo, other than that, give me your plots <333
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[Jun. 17th, 2012|12:15 pm]
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Hey everyone! I'm Leah, and I'm going to be playing Hannah Abbott. There's a lot of built fun and conflict to work with already, lol. Looking forward to meeting you all and getting to play with you!
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[Jun. 14th, 2012|04:09 pm]
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Hello everyone, I'm Kate and am the player of Mandy Brocklehurst. Mandy is a Halfblood witch from the trio's year and an ex-Ravenclaw. She's definitely on the quieter side personality wise though she is more than happy to lend an ear to those in need. She is usually found reading though. She currently works as the welcome witch at the MoM while she tries to decide what she wants to do with her life. During the Battle she helped hide the younger years and took a neutral stance during the war and spent the next two months in America where her father had been for the past year - due to luck he was there for work when Voldemort took over (he's a Muggleborn).

I'm best found at though my AIM is maidenoftheskies.
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[Jun. 7th, 2012|12:40 am]

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Hi everyone, Christie here with kid #2.

Romilda Vane is one of the purebloods that is stuck in the middle. Her family has wealth but it is in the form of their land not actual money in Gringotts. They have a sheep farm and spin wool for their family owned line of robes. Growing up her family took her to all the society functions and she got to know all the kids in those circles. Some of them weren't necessarily that nice and she caught on that the fact that her family wasn't flashy and showy worked against her standing in the eyes of some.

She's engaged to Ernie MacMillian. She's both excited and scared at the same time. Oh, and she's completely over that infatuation with Harry in case anyone's wondering.

You can always read more about her here. So excited to work her out with you all, so hit me up with your thoughts.

One more thing, she hates her real name. She thinks Romilda sounds so formal. Still, she uses it because it's proper to do so. Though she much prefers Romi because that girl sounds more fun and less psycotic than she was portrayed in the books.
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[Jun. 4th, 2012|02:01 am]

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Hallo game!

I'm DCJ bringing you Theodore Nott, 20 y/o, Slytherin, High Society Pureblood. He's unemployed but looking right now, has a strained relationship with food, had a terrible, abusive relationship with his dad and currently has no other relationships at all. He's just out of the Janus Thickey ward of St Mungo's and might act like he was let out too early on bad days

There's many a plotline for him at the end of his app and I'm open to discuss whatnots

The easiest place to hit me up is here or in Theo's OOC/app post, but I'm sometimes around on drovethrugosts on aIM or on barbedwirekitty at gmail dot com. I'm on GMT and I work full time but I'm on hols far the next few days so I might be around more. I'll most often be on weekends and in the evenings, but I'm struggling with headaches atm so I can't male promises about the times I can be on during the week.

One final thing; my keyboard is broken. Some of the keys ('e' 'f' 'a' and 'r') don't work, so I have to write in l33t in notepad and then 'replace all' on the numbers before I can post things

tl;dr, just bear with me in IM :(

Thank you for having me!
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Re-Intro [May. 24th, 2012|08:36 pm]

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Hi everyone! Caly again! I'm bringing in Beatrice Saxon, who is a double first for me. My first muggleborn and my first Hufflepuff. Beatrice is Ginny's year, and you probably don't remember her as the Hufflepuff girl who asked Harry to the Yule Ball, to which he said no so quickly, he hurt her feelings and she ran off.

Bea is now known for her late night (2-5 am) radio show on WWN, which is part talk show, part music, but mostly talk. She brings up all sorts of topics that polite society probably would rather not be talked about -- some of it more mundane (like partying) than others (most embarrassing moment). She also likes to dispense advice to her callers.

She also stays really muggle. She loves cars and talks about them often, and her flat is muggle from head to toe. Outside of that, Beatrice is kind of known as the hyper bouncy fun-loving one since her third year in Hufflepuff or so. Still, she's probably more streetwise than most know, having grown up in a rough area of London and been through some things while running from the Snatchers. She was caught early March '97 by Snatchers and spent the rest of the war in Azkaban. She does not talk about this to wizards, ever, and hides her severe scarring on her lower chest and torso all the time. She also uses Dreamless Sleep more than is healthy.

So...plots? Friends? Enemies? People determined to get passed her "I am not pretty, no one can want to flirt with me" issues?
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[May. 21st, 2012|12:49 pm]
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Hello everyone. I'm Christie and I bring you Kevin Entwhistle. You can find me on AIM at luvtbs94.

Kevin is mild mannered but quick tempered. A former Ravenclaw who has a troubled past. He's a muggleborn and carries a heavy burden from the war that he just doesn't seem to be able to release. He works at Flourish and Blotts and hopes to one day have his own retail book store. You can check out his bio here for more information. He'd really like to reconnect with his old housemates and other Muggleborns that he might have crossed paths with while on the run.

I'm always up for plotting and love to thread. However, I will be very busy over the next three weeks getting ready for and presenting a day camp. So, I will be focusing most of my time there. I will be focusing my attentions every evening from 9-12 Eastern on my gaming so I will be around during those times. If you catch me online at other times you can feel free to say hello, but be warned that I might be majorly sidetracked.

I look forward to playing with you all.
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Hello [May. 16th, 2012|08:41 pm]

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Hi everyone! I'm Caly. I have Morag MacDougal, Scottish, pureblood, Ravenclaw, trio's year. Her family was neutral during the war, so she wasn't as deeply affected, though it did negatively impact her original career plans (she wanted to be an Unspeakable). She currently works in the Ministry as a translator for the International Confederation of Wizards. She's excellent with languages, so she's very good at it, but it was very much a second choice. Her big ambition is to use her networking to get a position in politics to represent purebloods. She is, however, nice to everyone -- though that can get her some flack from both sides.

Her family is matriarchal, so she's the heiress, though she has two sisters. She's a bit of a helpless romantic, though she'd never admit it. Her mother's side raises the finest flying horses in Britain, and her father's side runs the Hebridean Black dragon reserve.

You can contact me at shewhoconceals on AIM or, or the contact post in this journal.

Looking forward to playing with you all!
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