April 2022

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April 26th, 2012

[info]wontletherin in [info]sceneandsay

Doggett was finished work but hadn't been ready to head home. So instead he walked into what could only be called a nondescript diner and took a seat in a booth. He ordered something simple, a burger and fries with a coke and leaned back. While he waited he decided to look over the file he was taking home. Always a workaholic, maybe he should get a pet after all.

[info]bostonslayer in [info]sceneandsay

As per usual it hadn't taken long for Faith to become bored with the vigorous training routine inspired by her Watcher, Diana Dormer. Her eyes were beginning to flutter shut as her attention span decreased from reading an old text in a red leather bound book.

After a moment, she rubbed her weary eyes before getting up out of her seat, pushing the book far away as possible. She needed to blow off some steam and what Diana didn't know couldn't hurt her, right? Slipping on her favorite black leather jacket from the nearby coat rack, she snuck out of the house and headed off down the street in search of something fun to do. She'd return to her Slayer duties later but for now she just needed some quality Faith time.