And Batman escapes. But seriously, only what Bane did has come close to what this single Predator has just accomplished. And with Bane it took all of Arkham to get the job done to get Bruce exhausted. For this Predator all it took was itself.
Gordon is on the scene and has SWAT swarm the junkyard, but alas the Predator escapes. Throughout the remaining parts of this issue the bottom panels show Wayne Manor soaked in blood. I really wish I could post that but limits are limits.
With Batman out, the Predator goes wild in Gotham. It take's out the remaining participants in the previous issue. First with Squire and then in brutal fashion when Brodin (the only survivor from last issue's meeting). After he publically challenges the killer after taking the advice from his momma. His momma then has a heart attack and keels over just as Brodin gets it from the Predator.
The Mayor of Gotham then begins turning the heat up on Gordon demanding results. He's then promply slaughtered in his bathroom by the Pred. Geez how many Mayors have been murdered in frigging Gotham? I want to say this dude and the one Joker sniped in Gotham Central plus the first victim of the Man of Wood murders done by Brubaker that was put in the Man Who Laughs trade. Just how many poor Mayors of Gotham City have met their end?
As for Bruce..
Goddamn, I know this image was posted before but damn is that moment any more awesome? With the deadline passing Gordon decides to take a breather.
After that call, Bruce can't stands what he can't stands no more (ok I went Popeye there :P) and begins the preperation for another round with this beast.
So he models a new costume to withstand the Predator's energy blasts, a new helmet with a visor to see the alien when cloaked, and other toys to make the playing field level this time. With a plan readied the stage is set for round 2:
I know some hated the costume, but honestly this came right out after Batman Returns and I was giddy like a kid when I read this. I simply loved this costume and #3.