This is the final issue of the extended Mark Millar run (because of Hitch's mother's death, he had to stop working on the art for this issue or give up doing Reborn).
So the Marquis is defeated, Doom gets a really, really big power upgrade, and the issue ends with the Ben/Debbie wedding, which runs into a snag when Ben doesn't show up. Debbie eventually finds him.
Debbie gets a drink, then leaves and runs into Sue and a bunch of other heroes, who have also been trying to find Ben.
English nerd interjection: They're both wrong (and, quite possibly, Millar knows this); Tennyson was talking about the death of a friend.
Anyway, Debbie remarks that that must be a guy thing, because she doesn't know any women who'd make the same choice (Sue agrees).
Johnny heads off, and Reed's buying.
Stuart Immonen does a great job of mimicking Hitch's art here.
And two from Wonder Woman #34.
While most of the issue is Diana and Dinah girling it up, there's an interlude on Themyscira, as regime change continues.
Ah, Philippus; you never get to actually do much, but you're always there.
One of the things I found odd about the "Rise of the Olympian" arc was how little Achilles actually did during it; from what's been shown of him so far, I do like him.
Zeus's replacement-Diana has apparently inherited real-Diana's awful taste in the opposite sex. "On this distrustful island, she's the most distrustful and man-hating of them all! Marry me, baby!"