The issue itself is 36 pages long so this allows me to go a little more out of regular seven page limit. Once more Jim Lawson delievers yet another epic battle with Peter Laird on inks and letters.
This fight to me come's VERY close to the Leonardo/Shredder fight Lawson did in Return to New York which you can see here. Wonder if others will share that same thought just in case you're looking for that one to compare here it is:
Blind Faith starts with Leo being hit by tesu-bishi (sharp little pieces of metal meant to blind or disable a foe long enough for a ninja to escape) though this one is also laced with poison all with love from Foot Ninja. Blinded from the assualt Leo struggles to recover:
There is a brief reprieve where the Foot Ninja reveals to Leo that they have fought before and that Leo took away his eyesight from him. Though Foot recalls Leo greatly, the same cannot be said about the Turtle to this ninja. Leo has no clue who he is, undaunted the Foot Ninja continues his tale. Still ever the loyal, he remained with the Foot Clan, even when they had little use for him due to his disablity. So he became a weapons craftmen, building the Foot's arsenal of weapons. Still the Foot Ninja had revenge on his mind, crafting his body and planning for this one moment where at last he have his revenge. With that the two renew their duel. The fight ends with Leo defeating and mortally wounds the Foot. It is then Leo then begins to smell cigarette and liquor from the Foot Ninja. And the utter horror of what begins to sink into his mind: