Marvel Comics Presents (vol 1) #92 Title: Marvel Comics Presents - "Separate Allies" (Marvel, 1991, 8 pages) Creators: Karl Bollers/Antonio Matias (writers), Joe Madureira (pencils) Availability: Out of print
Another book that's in my collection only because it had Northstar in it. Instead of a cameo, he gets his own story dealing with the fallout both from his Olympic scandal and his days in the FLQ. Ambitious for a little eight-pager, and, keeping the limitation of length in mind, it doesn't come off too badly,
Northstar is observing a skiing competition to benefit charity. As a member of Alpha Flight and a former skiing champion himself, he's an object of interest to the attending media. This doesn't sit well with a former rival.
The figure at the bar is a former member of the same FLQ cell Northstar abandoned. He's seeking vengeance and he's set a bomb on the slopes. OH NOES!
The bomb goes off, causing an avalanche!
Sorry, Richelieu, but no one's allowed to out-dickery our Northstar and his Mullet of DOOM!
I actually didn't recognize the artist until I read that last page and got to the reporter's "my hips won't unsway!" pose. I got into X-Men comics on the Lobdell/Madureira run, so it tickled me a bit to see Joe Mad's baby pictures, so to speak.