January Solicits for Wonder Woman, JSA All Stars, and JLA.
WONDER WOMAN #40 Written by Gail Simone Art by Aaron Lopresti & Matt Ryan Cover by Aaron Lopresti Wonder Woman faces The Crows! Five mysterious young men with a dark and terrible secret have arrived on Paradise Island with one mission: To kill Wonder Woman! On sale January 27 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
Well, um, that's an interesting cover.
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #41 Written by James Robinson Art and covers by Mark Bagley & Rob Hunter Be here for the start of a new Justice League era! The JLA have been getting a pounding in the last couple of months, but NO MORE! The team regroups with a new roster that will transcend time and space! Make way for the World’s Greatest Heroes – Batman, Green Lantern, the Atom, Green Arrow, Donna Troy, the Guardian, Cyborg, Mon-El, Starfire, Dr. Light and, yes, Congorilla! This issue features two covers by Mark Bagley which are seperately orderable. Cover A features Green Lantern and Green Arrow; Cover B features Batman and Mon-El. The cover images will be revealed online before the issue’s Final Order Cutoff date. On sale January 20 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
If any of those people are the greatest heroes in the DCU, then it's pretty safe to say that the DCU has gone way downhill. I can think of at least ten people who could kick most of the butts on that list. I'm mostly okay with this line-up, but calling them the DCU's best is just false advertising.
JSA ALL-STARS #2 Written by Matthew Sturges; co-feature written by Jen Van Meter Art and cover by Freddie Williams II; co-feature art by Travis Moore & Dan Green In “Constellations,” part 1, The All-Stars have survived their first major battle, but in the aftermath, one team member is missing without a trace. The mysterious Strike Force has that member captive, but there’s someone else who wants the missing All-Star even worse than Strike Force does. Plus, the rift between Power Girl and Magog widens. And in the first chapter of a new co-feature, Liberty Belle and Hourman embark on a worldwide hunt for a mysterious book – and the killer who may be after the secrets held within it! Icicle and Tigress aren’t responsible for the murder, but they just might hold some keys to solving the mystery! On sale January 6 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
Tell me I'm not the only one very excited about the Liberty Belle/Hourman cofeature.