Lost to the collapse of Old_SD: Westone Page
I was looking for this and was sad to see that it had gone down in the firestorm. Ladies and gentlemen, some of the most brain-melting comics you shall ever read.... Westone Page.
So Westone Page is a comic book by Emanuel A. Gill. It's Xeroxed, presumably at his Mom's workplace, and dropped off sporadically to Jim Hanley's Universe, the best comic shop in New York City, if not the continental United States. There are something like eight issues of the origina; series and a few spin-offs, "Fighting Ones" and "The E.P.A. Brothers." And they are amazing. Let's get to the scans.
Meet Crest Jones. He's a normal American teenager whose parents named him after toothpaste. His dad apparently killed three undercover cops and their souls migrated into Crest's body - BUT DOES HE KNOW THAT YET? NO!
Meet Crest's dad. He likes making up new swear words.
Let's skip forward a bit - Crest escapes (muscularly) and is met by U-Shadow. They bone.
Part two! Crest's dad now has a spandex outfit with his initials on the front, and he is paying SALARIES!
Meet our villains and learn their dastardly plans: milkshakes and "taken to the back."
Phew! I'm spent. PART THREE! Crest's mom is in the hospital. His brother Donny has a BADONKADONK!
FATHER CITY, OHIO is not a real place.
Hey with that unpleasantness out of the way let's meet some new POWER HUMANS because this book's cast isn't huge enough.
And now we get the ORIGIN OF U-SHADOW. Read this carefully: she gets her powers because her pantyhose got ripped before she fell into a vat of chemicals.
Let's zip forward another issue. Things start to get... sexuliffic!
I don't have the words for this next scan. Do you?
I hope you enjoyed. As a shameless plug, I am now Editorial Director of Heavy.com, and if you liked this post, please come on over and read something so I can keep posting to S_D during work. Thanks! I didn't know what tags to use as I am new to that system so feel free to add your own.