June 2011

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February 14th, 2011

[info]widowed_one in [info]savethecomicocc

Hey ^_^

This is Lauren again and I'm bringing in my second character for the game, maybe my last as well, Black Widow. :D

Yes, she is the kick your ass Russian agent with above human skills and a master of seduction as well. Is there anything better? Anyway, she isn't registered and kind of on her own currently, but team work is always a possibility.


[info]outscooped in [info]savethecomicocc

Hey everyone, Abby here! So I wanted to drop a line - since we have new new people - to say hi. My name is Abby, and I play a lawyer, a newspaper reporter and a librarian (and that's just so far!) I plan to bring in a student and an ex-hero now in court-ordered psychiatry soon! :D (For those of you keeping score that means Jen Walters/She-Hulk, Lois Lane, and Barbara Gordon followed by Cissie King-Jones and her mother Bonnie!)

I'll be throwing up a thread today or tomorrow (depending on waht work does) for Lois at the Planet. And if someone with the registration wants to drop in on her, since she is 1) influential and 2) anti registration, that would be amazing :D Lois is justdoin what she does best :) Making trouble for people!

Luv you guys!

[info]ex_winter_so40 in [info]savethecomicocc

Thank you for acceptance to this wonderful community! I'm Peaches and I'm playing James "Bucky" Barnes. Crunkalious told me about this place and I had to app here.

James has been taken from the end of Winter Soldier when he just got his memories back. Like, just crushed the cube and teleported away to deal with his grief over the things he's done. He's now shown back up and Registered because it was the right thing to do. He's surprised to see Captain America didn't register and he'll have words with him over then soon enough.

Comment for lines here.

[info]herownway in [info]savethecomicocc

Introducing Cissie King-Jones. Warning: History Lesson in progress!

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! I give you Suzanne 'Cissie' King-Joes, aka Arrowette! She's taken from Young Justice canon, with a bit of a twist, I've put the school the state put her in in Star City, California instead of Pennsylvania. And, as it is sometimes illuded to in the comics, Cissie in this game IS the biological daughter of Mr. Oliver Queen. BUT! She doesn't know it. As far as Cissie knows, her father is Bernelle Jones - a former Star City newspaper reporter who ded when she was five.

Cissie is PBed by Alona Tal, her mother Bonnie is PBed by Emma Thompson (and she'll be brought in probably later this week.) Cissie is not registered, nor does she have ANY plans on registering. If she did, the government would see she is a minor and make her stop her activities. And she does not accept that as an acceptable course of actions

For those of you who don't know Cissie's history or aren't familiar with the character, I give you HISTORY TIME! This will give you a comprehensive look into the King-Joneses (I will be bringing Bonnie in too so consider this an into to both)

HISTORY OF ARROWETTES [yes that I plural for a reason] )

So that's the history. She's 16. Nice, friendly, but has carved a life for herself at the school. By night she dons her costume, and patrols Star City... basically trying to keep off of the Arrows' radar. Why? Because she doesn't think anything good can come from mixing with the main hero. That he'd try to make he stop. And in som ways, taking up the costume again isn't just a way of getting back at her mother, but also the ultimate show of her own personal freedom.

So this is Cissie (and her mother >.< ) in a nutshell. I'd love to plot :D Feel free to hit me up here or on AIM :D and now, I am off to bed :D