March 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

Hi there, everyone! It's been a slow night, so I figured I'd pop over here now that she's all apped.

This is Chelan Rousseau, 34, a pediatric nurse practitioner who will be working at Memorial Health hospital. She's brand new to the Savannah area, and she moved here with her best friend/platonic soulmate/roomie [info]owenburke. She's originally from Baton Rouge, LA, and is part Cajun, part Native American. In general, Chel is very much an extrovert (ESTP), although she's been dealing with the recent loss of her love from about six months ago, so she may be somewhat more reserved than normal as she learns her way around the city. She's also friends with [info]alexreuble, though they'd drifted some in recent history. Still, she adores him.

I'm open to pretty much anything lines wise - if there are any others in the medical field that could potentially be coworkers, or people that may live in the same neighborhood that she and Owen are renting a house in, anyone who'd love a filter-less but super loyal friend (who frequently switches back and forth into her French/Cajun dialect). I tend to prefer organic lines when it comes to potential romances, but Chel is a flirt, and even though she's steering through grief right now, she uses that ability to charm people as kind of a crutch, so anyone that wants to flirt could be fun, too (she's equal opportunity when it comes to flirting)

Hit me with your best shot! :D



[No Subject]

Well damn, I'm delayed. I feel like I should have done this already but better late than never.

This is Owen. He's a charmer, really. He's originally from Michigan but has moved quite a few times in his almost 37 years -- from Michigan to Washington to DC to California back to Washington and now here. He has had a lot of struggles in his life. When he was a kid, his younger brother died while he was supposed to be babysitting him but was instead goofing around with some friends. He had, before that, felt unwanted and misunderstood by his family so you can only imagine how much an event like that could sway someone with already low self-esteem and self-worth into not making the best decisions.

Owen is an addict. It's a habit that started as early as 14 and got progressively worse over time, as it is prone to do. At his best while under the influence, he could be very friendly, charismatic, and even somewhat intellectual. At his worst, he was selfish and took advantage of people's kindness though he honestly didn't realize that's what he was doing at the time. He is now about four years sober -- no drugs or alcohol. But getting to the point he's at right now took a lot, including pushing people he truly cared for away -- like his best friend [info]chelan and the guy he'd been in love with (but couldn't say it) [info]alexreuble.

While his initial reason for moving here was to attempt to make amends with someone who had meant the world to him, he also understands that timing is everything and he's never really had good that. But he's here now and the only way he can prove he's a changed man who might at least deserve a friendship is to stay (something he's never been very good at). In an attempt to keep himself clean, Owen likes to stay very busy. So he has more than one job. More like four. And he hardly ever sleeps because apparently post-drug induced comas left him with insomnia.

His jobs are -- working as a peer counselor for a local sobriety clinic (which he's found sharing his story with others while they share theirs is a pretty effective way to keep on track), a DJ rotation at one of the local clubs (because he wouldn't be Owen without some sort of involvement with music and basically putting himself in the hot seat on a weekly basis), janitor at a local hotel (his probation in Seattle got him a job working as a janitor at a school and he now finds cleaning to be very cathartic), and driving for Lyft (because if he can save one drunken idiot from making a stupid mistake, that's gotta count for something!).

He is definitely an acquired taste and not particularly the most social but given the chance, you just might like him! So whatever you've got, I'll take it.