Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - August 17th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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August 17th, 2009

ANNOUNCING: Santas Lap Returns for the 2009 Holiday Season!!! [Aug. 17th, 2009|08:39 pm]


[Current Mood | ecstatic]

Santa is coming around again in 2009. [info]santas_lap will be running again this year using the same model as the 2007 fest. [info]gnomad has graciously allowed [info]shadowess to assume the modly role. Thank you [info]gnomad for all your hard work creating this fest. It was so wonderful the first time around, it needed another run.

Fest Guidelines and Rules
Welcome to [info]santas_lap!! This is a holiday fest specifically for HP chan slash.
If you're interested in participating in the fest, please read the community guidelines & rules. The rules and guidelines are the same as the ones set for the 2007 Fest but with a modified timeline.

The 2009 fest is prompt-based. In a few days, a post will follow that invites anyone to submit prompts and scenarios for the fest. Participants will then be able to claim the submitted prompts to use as a guide for their work. I've outlined the general process, rules, and timeline below. Please read it carefully if you'd like to participate.
Fest Guidelines and Rules )
Link9 people asked for holiday goodies|Sit on Santa's lap

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