Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 21st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 21st, 2007

Fic: A Fateful Chain of Events (GW/FW/SS/HP) [Dec. 21st, 2007|04:27 pm]


Title: A Fateful Chain of Events
Author: [info]f13tch3r
Pairing(s): George/Fred/Snape/Harry, Hermione/McGonagall, Mad-Eye/Ron, Bill/Ginny, Dumbledore/Shacklebolt, mentions Remus/Tonks
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU-ish, I changed a few things from OotP in favor of smut. Can you blame me? * Incest, Rimming, Het*
Summary: Fred and George Weasley learn a lot about themselves and the other members of the Order of the Phoenix.
Prompt: #35 Christmas at Grimmauld Place 5th year, the Twins try out a lust potion in the pumpkin juice - the Order Members are there
Author Note: Forgive me for perpetuating a stereotype but I really couldn't get the image out of my brain! Great big, huge, gaping, gobs of thanks go to my betas, [info]lilyseyes & [info]zebraspots05 They significantly improved the quality of this story. I hope you all enjoy it.

A Fateful Chain of Events  )
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