Come over and sit on Santa's lap... - December 3rd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Come over and sit on Santa's lap...

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December 3rd, 2007

[Dec. 3rd, 2007|01:32 pm]


[Current Mood | & a wee bit nervous]

Title: Esurio substancia
Author: [info]hambares
Pairing(s): SS/HP, RL/HP, DM/HP, FF/HP
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: overdose of semen?
Summary: see warning
Prompt: #37 - Due to curse or spell-gone-wrong, Harry (or boy of your choice) develops a craving for semen: wants it, needs it, and must have it every day or he'll die -- will suck anyone, anytime.
Author Note: Written for the [info]santas_lap fest. I tried to make this strictly PWP. Something went wrong and a story happened. *mutters about novice writers* Many thanks and hugs to my beta, [info]rakina, for all her wonderful edits and Britpicking. Any mistakes that are remaining are my own. Read more... )
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