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OOC comm for Sans Epilogue, the Harry Potter RPG.

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*pokes* [Oct. 1st, 2007|11:19 pm]

hello? anyone here?
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Adult please! [Sep. 15th, 2007|10:16 pm]
[mood | good]

Remus and Sirius need an adult to explain to them what they've missed, and to tell them what the Gryffindor Common Room password is. XD Let us know if you can supply us with one. Thanks!
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Drumroll please [Aug. 23rd, 2007|11:43 pm]

[mood | complacent]

Well Finals are officially over and the new semester doesn't start for 2 weeks. I am back. I would have been back earlier except I drowned in my Flist both here and at LJ. Note to self don't leave flist unattended for more than 24 hours, is breeds like rabbits. Well sufficient to say I am no longer on hiast and I have returned with one very pissed of pup. He has been ignored for a couple of days and he hates being ignored. Verbal abuse would be an understatement.

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Procastination [Aug. 21st, 2007|12:25 am]

[mood | curious]

So I am sitting here studiously ignoring the fact that I have hours of studying left yet, and something occurred to me. Timeline. I don't know about anyone else but my pup is functioning at the night/day after the Battle of Hogwarts. Where is everyone one else at? and are we going to keep it at the day after or fast forward? Well I guess it depends on when we get other important characters I suppose. humm.... I guess we'll see.
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*peeks in* [Aug. 16th, 2007|07:23 pm]

[mood | hopeful]

Like I said psuedo-ban, anyway Draco is freaking out and needs to talk to McGonagall but the problem being we don't have a McGonagall. Actually we don't have much of anyone right now. And yeah he wants to talk to his mother too. Don't ask me why, he just needs right now, or so he says. I have spammed my LJ, IJ, and GJ flists with adverts for this RP, but I guess it does take time. So Oh Mod-ly One, would you care to play a McGonagall to my Draco. That came out wrong. There wasn't supposed to be innuendo. Draco is disgusted with me. *g*
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Teacher, teacher, I have a question! [Aug. 15th, 2007|11:32 pm]
So uhm. We've started, more or less, and I was wondering what's going to happen with the [info]sans_epilogue community itself. Draco and Remus have both posted to their own journals, leaving the community itself kind of empty. Do we post first person journal entries on our IJs and in third person on the community, or will it be used for something else? Or were we supposed to post our own entries in the community?

And. Um. Yes. 8D;;
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Hiast [Aug. 13th, 2007|06:32 pm]

[mood | aggravated]

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

End of Semester approaches I have decided to psuedo-ban myself from my Laptop, so activity will be spordic at best. Not a very long hiast. I shall be back next Friday at the latest. Believe me Draco is not happy with me for this. Stop poking my brain!
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Application: Sirius Black [Aug. 10th, 2007|03:59 pm]
[mood | cheerful]

Name: Mega/Chris (You can call me Siri or Padfoot too, XD that's fine, I like to stay in character while RPing)

AIM: Megazostradon, TheChibiVampire

Character Info )
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Application: Draco Malfoy [Aug. 8th, 2007|08:04 pm]

Personal Info:

Name: Rin
AIM/MSN/gchat/Y!M: AIM: creativexkhaos EMAIL:

Bio: Draco Malfoy )
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Application: Remus Lupin [Aug. 8th, 2007|12:00 am]
Personal Info:
Name: Kari
AIM/MSN/gchat/Y!M: finding MIKU/[at]gmail[dot]com/

Character Info )
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F.A.Q [Aug. 7th, 2007|03:32 pm]

  1. How many chars can I play?

    At the moment, one. I might move that up later to 2, if it looks like people really want to play more than one char at a time.

  2. Is it okay if I end up with different pairings than in the epilogue?

    Yes. The whole premise of the world is changing, after all. And the RP is definitely about more than just romance.

  3. What if I want to play a character that's back from the dead?

    Good on you! Have fun. Take them from whatever point in the book you want but remember, they can't know anything that happened after they died. If you pick schoolboy!James, he's not going to know Peter's a traitor, for example.

  4. Is slash okay? What about femmeslash?

    No objections here. Game is slash and femmeslash friendly but again, remember that relationships aren't really the main focus.

  5. What about R-rated, or above, logs?

    Post them, put warnings on them, and if you can remember to, flock them. Apart from that, if you want to RP them, go ahead.

  6. This mun is refusing to play the pairing I like!

    ...Not my problem. Everyone has the right to play whatever pairing they like. Some of them will play pairings you don't like, others will. Some pairings you like, they probably hate. Tolerance is the buzzword of the day. I'm not going to tell people what to play, and neither should the other players.

  7. Can I watch the comm without playing?

    Sure, go ahead. Enjoy.

  8. I have a question you didn't address here, how do I contact you?

    Leave a comment to this post, or e-mail me at ficklegoddess at yahoo dot com if you want to discuss something more privately.
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Rules. [Aug. 7th, 2007|03:25 pm]

  1. No godmodding. If your char can perform Legilimancy, get permission from the other muns involved before reading any minds. If your chars are duelling, make sure you have permission for your spells to hit, or figure out how they get deflected. No physically throwing each other around without permission either.

    Basically, permission, permission, permission! Get it. You'll like it. Consent is good, okay?

  2. And to go along with that, no powerplaying. This is focused more on characters and character development than whose char is the most powerful.

  3. Literacy is a requirement. There's no minimum post length but one-liners are strongly discouraged. The more you give in a post, the more the other person has to work off for their reply. Use third person, past tense, not asterisks, when RPing, and first person for journal entries.

  4. Journal entries have different levels. Unless it's specified otherwise in the subject line, it's assumed the entry is open to everyone in that group. There are two groups. DEs cannot read the entries of Dumbledore's Army or vice versa unless the subject line says ::open to DEs:: or ::open to DA:: which'll indicate it was deliberately meant to be read by the other side. Apart from that, the entries can be screened for specific groups of people simply by putting ::open for only Luna, Neville and Ginny:: in the subject line or whatever the names are of the characters involved.

  5. It's a game. IC is not OOC. Don't start huge flame wars, don't cry yourself to sleep, and remember, behind the character is a person. Just because a character hates yours doesn't mean the player hates you.

  6. ICness is love.

  7. Different timezones are not the fault of any of the players. Don't hold them responsible for not being on as often as you'd like or on during the wrong hours.

  8. If you're going on hiatus for any length of time over a week, leave a comment in the ooc comm, [info]sans_ooc.

  9. Have fun, obviously.

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Application. [Aug. 7th, 2007|03:24 pm]

Personal Info:

Name: Whatever you want other muns to call you.
AIM/MSN/gchat/Y!M: Any and all IM program handles that you're willing to use to RP over or have people contact you over. While it is possible to RP only over threads, IM programs can often be helpful.

Character Info:

Character: Name of the character you're choosing, obviously.
House: What House they were in. If they didn't attend Hogwarts, put the school in here instead.
Age: Whatever age they are.
Appearance: How they look. A note on PBs -- I encourage originality here, and since IJ allows a hundred free icons, you can use icons that your characters would pick to represent themselves instead of having to have images of your char.
Backstory: A quick history of your char, remaining as close to canon as possible. Yes, we've all read the books and know what happened to your char if it was a major one, but the books focused on Harry. This is your chance to say what happened when Harry wasn't watching.
Location: If your character was dead by the end of DH, this is where you say at which point in the series you're taking him/her from. If she/he's still alive at the end, then just say where she/he's staying these days (home, Hogwarts, hospital, etc).
Relationships: Canonical relationships to other characters, as well as how you see those relationships -- strained, forced, happy, one-sided, etc.
Future Ambitions: What would you like to see happen to your character in the future, or what would you want him/her to do?

Sample Journal Post:
Sample RP post:
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