Jan. 22nd, 2010


WHO: Adelle DeWitt and Dr. Rupert Hunt. (Why yes, Ashe does play both. Hush up.)
WHAT: Discussing the actives' dress code and a new intake. Adelle is a HBIC. For realsies.

Would you care for some tea? )

Jan. 21st, 2010


WHO: Franklin Gallagher & Rupert Hunt
WHAT: A glimpse into home life.

Unfortunately for you, I can't take my battle wounds off at work and come home pristine. )

Jan. 19th, 2010


WHO: Owen Moran and Beth Sinclair
WHAT: Owen and Beth make a failed attempt at a date.

I'm pretty dedicated. )


WHO: Paul Ballard, Owen Moran, and Beth Sinclair
WHAT: Actually takes place a couple days before this. Whoopsie. Paul doesn't want Owen to look at Mellie, so he introduces Owen to a hardcore girl boxer who almost beats him at his own game. Almost. Timeline is kind of messed up and stuff because we didn't want to wait days before posting one after the other, but yeah. It's a few days. Time is crunchy like granola.

God. I thought you'd never ask. )


WHO: Jack Donovan, Bravo, Bravo-as-an-Imprint (Brendan), and Topher
WHAT: Bravo resists his treatment and forces Jack to use the Active/handler cues. During the engagement, Brendan's programming glitches, and Bravo gets defensive about it after the fact, despite remembering nothing about the engagement himself.

You're not an actual person. )


WHO: Paul Ballard, Owen Moran, Cecilia Morales, and Brian Royce
WHAT: Owen tags along with Paul to the FBI forensics office so he can see his ex-wife. Unfortunately, his ex-wife's boyfriend also comes by.

You're still with this asshole? )


WHO: Quebec [Imprint: Artemisia Rice] and Richard Walker
WHAT: Quebec's original personality is Misha. Richard Walker, a former doll, is her closest friend/boyfriend. He was the one who got her involved with the Dollhouse to begin with. To cope with her absence, he hires a Doll version of Misha to keep him company. Imprint Misha is unaware of being an Active. Trouble is, she's starting to notice inconsistencies.

Maybe it's the treatments. )

Jan. 18th, 2010


WHO: Paul Ballard and Mellie
WHAT: Paul is having a shitty life. Mellie has brownies.

That's... intense. )

Jan. 17th, 2010


WHO: Victor and Echo with cameos by KG and Selena Ramirez
WHAT: Victor was out when shit went down and isn't digging this whole set up.

He'd never really like rock climbing but for some reason he felt compelled to. )

Jan. 16th, 2010


WHO: Ozzy, Quebec and Topher
WHAT: Oz brings in Quebec after an overnight engagement. He didn't get the memo.

No, obviously, I was out. )