Jul. 20th, 2008



The next drumming session is cancelled as it's the weekend of the move! We're so excited. In August I can't wait to host in our new meditation space!

Blessed Be!

Jun. 21st, 2008



The witchvox listing is getting some notice! Drumming is on for next weekend! Sunday, noon, at my place. Comment if you want details!

happy Litha!

Jun. 7th, 2008



Drumming will be happening this weekend only of I get some responses.

Thanks! :)

May. 22nd, 2008


Drumming this weekend

Drumming at my place this weekend! Please comment here if you want to attend. It'll be at 1pm on Sunday afternoon. I'll prepare tea and coffee and have light snacks.

Blessed Be!

Apr. 21st, 2008


Dont' forget!

Drumming on the 27th! Please email me for details if you would like come. Put drumming info in the subject line. :)

Apr. 17th, 2008


Drumming next weekend!

Drumming next weekend at Shorty Howell Park a week from Sunday at noon! Please comment here to join us and I'll give you details~


Your mod~

Apr. 5th, 2008


Drumming This Weekend!

I said the first drumming will be on the 4th Sunday this month, but I'm willing (and able) to host a drumming this weekend.

So Sunday, April 6th at noon we'll possibly be drumming. Please comment if interested or contact me at silvermoonwytch2yahoo.com if you want to come out. I'll let you know where as it will depend on the weather.

Apr. 2nd, 2008


Drumming in Metro Atlanta!

I'm looking to start drumming again! Will be starting a drumming circle in the last weekend in April! Sunday, April 27th and I'm thinking about changing the time to the evening. Please comment to this post if you would like to come. As it gets a little closer, I'll be posting details of when and where...

Blessed Be

Apr. 1st, 2008



I have so much to post about. The drumming we had at Ostara for one. Our next drumming for another. I was trying to work with a sacred women's drumming group, but I found it really lacked something. Then I drummed with my husband and realized that the balance of both the masculine and the feminine, Goddess *and* God energies, etc is exactly what I was missing. So "Goddess Drums" is now Sacred Drums!

Welcome! I'll make a more detailed post tomorrow. Now, I'm sleepy! Nighty!