November 9th, 2010

[info]raven_mods in [info]ru_ooc


Hi everyone, Chrissy here with some announcements.

☼ The Halloween party thread is still going strong! Don't be shy to pop your characters in, say hi, and enjoy the party.

☼ We still need character's birthdays so we can finish the new birthday list! Please email the mods at ravenhurst.mods [@] gmail [.] com with their birthdays. If they don't have any canon ones, just make one up for them. We'd like to have all of them by November 29th so that the list can be up by December 1st.

☼ Unfortunately, we had lost a player due to godmodding and other rule breaking activities. Hit up the friend button to stay up to date. Because of this, there have been some rearrangements to the on-campus housing. Check the post to see if your character has been moved.

☼ Please welcome the following new characters: Alexander "Xander" Harris, Charles Gunn (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel); Leo Wyatt (Charmed); Arthur Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Draco Malfoy, James Potter, Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter); Anabella Rose, Claire Bennet, Isaac Mendez, Peter Petrelli (Heroes); Kensi Blye (NCIS: Los Angeles); Heather Mason (Silent Hill); Ash, Lilith, Robert "Bobby" Singer, Ruby(Supernatural).

☼ Challenge pairings will be back after the holidays. We understand that the next couple of months are going to be busy, so they'll be back in January. Be on the lookout for details.

☼ We now have an NPC journal that is to be used to complete a plot. Should you need this journal, please see one of the mods for the user name and password.

☼ As always, if you have any comments or suggestions (either in general or for a plot), please feel free to contact any one of the mods on AIM (our personal ones are listed in the contact info), or via the mod email.

December 2011

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