October 11th, 2010

[info]themoodymod in [info]ru_ooc


Just wanted to take a moment to say Hi hello and umm stuff... so umm Hi hello and stuff. LOL

Anyway, most of you know me and for the most part we all get along which is awesome! I however know there are a select few here that don't see eye to eye with me and while sometimes that makes me crazy that is completely fine as we are all allowed to have our own things. Having said that, I want to say to everyone, but especially to those that may worry about me becomming a mod here, please don't. Chrissy, Mandy and I have talked in great length about our roles as mods and what each of us will do, none of us have more power than the other and we will not make a cut and dry decision without first fully discussing it as a group and making decision as three not as one. I feel the need to say this because in the past, in this game and another, decisions were made without this commitee type method and it caused some hurt feelings and for that I am truly sorry, on all our behalf.

Now I do want to stress though if a decision is made and a mod brings that decision to you it does not mean you can go to another mod because you don't like how it is presented and try to change their mind, once something is decided it is final unless otherwise stated.

I really am looking forward to being a part of the team here, and a part of the game, (though I have been in game for months) and I am looking forward to the insanity of plot that is coming soon.

If anyone wants to talk to me about any concernes game wise or plot with my 50 million characters that I have by all means pester me on AIM or in email in either xpaperclipninjax or musesxcollide at gmail dot com. Thanks guys!!

The moody mod who is oddly hyper tonight.

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