September 1st, 2010

[info]dirty_girl in [info]ru_ooc

Hiatus, Vacation ... etc.

Sunday our house guest leaves so my stress is cut more than in half. My husband was forced to take all of his vacation days at one time – or at least part of it. He’s chosen to take it in September feeling this would be a great time to distress. We will be doing a great deal throughout September. Pretend I’m hiatus just in case but I don’t see any problems with my tagging. So if you are in a tag with me now and want it finished before I go there is plenty of time. As it gets closer in the week, my time will be shorter but I’m in town.

From 7-12: we have an overnight trip, then a night at home then three days camping. Those three days should be the most we're away, but he just surprised me with this vintage camper, so I know there are a few weekends of fishing left before it gets to cold.

I’ll do my best to be as posty as I can be. I’ll be more active after the 12. Remember I’ll me in town, but will be fishing and stuff so if you don’t hear from for a day (after the 12) I should be on the next.

This affects Faith, Jenny, Katherine and anyone they are in threads with at the moment. If the Scott and Faith thread aren't finished and Scott needs to do something with Faith to move her somewhere that's fine with me. My times away really shouldn't cause a problem.



December 2011

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