Sunday, January 27th, 2013

Boston Bean


Boston Bean
Drop BoxRulesHoldsApplicationDirectoryLocationsWanted

We've been open since August, 2012 and we're still going strong. We have wonderful players with amazing characters. We are invite only, but posting in the Story Line community is a very easy way to get an invite and if you're not able to, the mods do have a few invites to give out as well! Come check us out! We're currently in the middle of Flirt Fest, where characters submit themselves or friends in the Biggest Flirt contest, send in Best and Worst Pick Up Lines and leave their names to enter a raffle for sweep passes! All the winners will receive sweep passes and when Valentine's Day gets closer, we'll be posting a group thread to get everyone involved!

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Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Hi all!

Strider here, mod of [info]darkdawn, a post-apocalyptic rpg set three years after a meteor strike wiped out most of the earth's population. We've just started a week ago and I'm really trying to grow the rpg.

I write two characters in the game: Bridget [info]living_history and Greg [info]modernknight

Bridget is the leader of the group, a band of post apocalyptic gypsies traveling from place to place. Bridget lost her husband about six weeks ago, and found out she was pregnant a few weeks later. While they have a doctor she would really feel more at ease if an OB or midwife joined the group.

The game could also use a scientific character - sometime in the near future the group will discover information about a device that will require someone with a background in the hard sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc) to make sense of. This is a key plot point and we could really use a PC for this instead of an NPC.
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Sunday, April 17th, 2011

Hey everyone! We could use some new players and characters over at the [info]thetruegame. We're small but have been going since January first and we're the sort of mods who don't give up on games. We've got large wanted list here including siblings, exes, enemies, wanted faces, you name it. If you're looking for something other than your typical high school or Harry Potter games, come give [info]thetruegame a try!
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Monday, December 27th, 2010

Look, holiday wish-giver gods..

It's my birthday tomorrow. I totally got screwed, seeing my birthday is in the taint of the year (3 days after Christmas and 3 days before the new year.) No one is around. I never had a proper b-day pool party. I'm going to be a whole quarter of a century. And I didn't ask for anything! How silly is that?

So, as a monumental occasion (apparently) I just really want to see some more people app at [info]chicagobynight. My vampires are going to be so sad if I can't play then against more vampire brethren. There's even a section of WANTED adds to fill other people's wishes as well.

Kill two birds with one stone. Have fun in a game and make me the HAPPIEST GIRL EVER.

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Okay, so I know Christmas is technically over, but [info]letsdothemods opens Jan 1 and we still have a HEAP of major roles that really need filling. Consider it a belated Christmas gift if you apply.

-> Dean Thomas
-> Luna Lovegood
-> Parvati Patil
-> Terry Boot
-> Michael Corner
-> Anthony Goldstein
-> Padma Patil
-> Zacharias Smith
-> Tracey Davis
-> Blaise Zabini
-> Moar Weasleys
-> Amycus Carrow
-> Peter Pettigrew
-> Rufus Scrimgeour
-> Angelina Johnson
-> Lee Jordan
-> Oliver Wood

Oh, and while we're at it, my Ron would love some more Weasleys at [info]sixdegreesmod. I'm very certain Ginny would agree with this!
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Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

It's close to Christmas, so maybe rp traffic is just slow, but I would like some help getting a game on its feet. I'm trying to help [info]heatedsanguine reopen, because I enjoyed the game and the players the first time around and would like to feel the magic again. The problem is, it can't open if there's no interest. So I suppose my request is this: even if you won't have time until after the holidays, maybe give the game a look and at least leave a comment if you think it's something you might want to try whenever you can?
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Dear RP Santa,

I've been a good girl! Really I have. So hopefully you can make some of my [info]rpwishes come true!

1. More players for [info]coandsic, my Dark Angel game. We would really love to see an Asha Barlow, Original Cindy, Normal, Sketchy, and more Transgenics as well as Manticore operatives and members of the conclave.

2. A place to play the ever annoying, self centered dog, Sirius Black. Preferably school aged/first war, though not opposed to post P.O.A.

3. More players for [info]fearnomods, a super awesome Pan-Fandom set at the famous Winchester Mansion.
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Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

Dear Santa (and all the RP Elves),

I want to ask for a gift for someone else actually, so I hope that's alright. [info]refinement is one of the best Narcissas I've seen in years, and she's just joined At The Close (via [info]closers). I want to find her a brilliant Lucius and Draco, so that she has people to dote on and interact with, who can help her shine. There's plenty of other characters I'd love to see there too, of course, but if anyone could make a good, strong, completely canon Lucius or Draco appear, it would absolutely make my Christmas.
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Monday, December 20th, 2010

Dear Santa,

I would love it if you would send me and the other players at [info]thetruemods some more people to play with! We're not opening until New Year's unless we can get 4 more apps in, and then we can start early! It's medieval fantasy and there's so much you can play, and no need to to have read the books that are the basis.

Please, Santa? THANK YOU!

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Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Dear Santa, please bring me even more awesome characters to add to the rosters at [info - personal] eligeremod! We're re-opening on a new host right after Christmas and while the people we have now are really freaking awesome, I'd really love to see some more awesome peeps!
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Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

Even the Mafia celebrates Christmas!

Santa! The players over at [info]boston_mafia have been AMAZING this year and we would really like to see these lines filled!

We're getting close to being opened for a year and still going strong! We've got plenty of Mafia positions opened, along with law enforcement and civilians! The character list is here.

Make our wishes come true!
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all i want for christmas are my two front teeth~...

• more active applicants to ~heroish, include the ever-elusive jon hamm and any of the wanted lines. we're hitting the six month mark as ~madsn mentioned and would love to see some fresh faces!

• pretty much the same wish as above, but more active applicants to ~fangers and any of the lines on the wanted post. it might not be the fastest friends page in the supernatural ocean, but its got some damn good substance, plot, etc.

• in general, to just live and let live. lets just all have fun!

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More people to join [info]ascentmods. It's a brand new, soon to be opening supernatural based game that takes place in present time.

Mods (I'm one of them) are extremely nice and so are the current players that have already applied.

I have 2 characters there: [info]coltreux and [info]redouter

For [info]coltreux, I'd love to see:
- The Gentry Pack Male: he's married to Colette's sister.
- The Gentry Pack Female: Colette's older sister.
- The Gentry Pack Beta: Colette's older brother.
- Colette's younger brother
- A female BFF/hetero life partner.
- Other friendly types as well as enemies.

For [info]redouter, I'd love to see:
- A male BFF for an epic bromance.
- His long lost, younger sister.
- Other childer that he has sired in the past.

Any other characters would be most welcomed as well!

I think I may have hit the maximum wishes allowed point. :X
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Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

All I want is for [info]cavanaw and [info]vidivine to apply to [info]honeywilde because I love the line that we came up with. Also I really want her older ex to come for an interesting line and a guy she can try to move on with. Oh and I would really love it if the game would last because so far everyone is super friendly and the game looks like so much fun.
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* Some more interest in Eligere Acamdemy once we get everything migrated over to Scribbld. I'm so in love with the premise, which was totally [info]crystalship's idea and I really want to get enough interest/players to pick the game back up again. Especially some boys so we can pair up the girls we have in the AMP with actual played in-game betrotheds.
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Monday, December 13th, 2010

I think [info]rpwishes is a brilliant idea. My Christmas wishes are..

1. Any or all three of these characters: Remus, Severus, and Regulus at [info]unloading_zone! I play Sirius, and all of these characters are central to his development. Please talk to me for backstory information (even though you're not obligated to keep it intact) if you're interested in fulfilling my wish!

2. I play Scorpius at [info]lockewood, and I would love to see someone pick up the rest of his family, Draco and Lucius. It's not fair that we have so many Weasleys and Potters. Represent, Malfoys.

3. More angels and demons for my Raphael to play with at [info]forgotten_gods, please? We're missing archangels such as Gabriel, Raguel, Remiel, Michael, and Saraqael, and demons like Beelzebub.

4. I would also like to see Oliver Wood at [info]unloading_zone for my Percy, for a line or friendship.

Thank you~
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I'm using an RP account for this because I don't have a personal account on IJ... I hope that's okay.

Anyway, back on topic. [info]rpwishes, I only have a few things on my list. (Though really, the first one would make my year, never mind my Christmas.)

1. A Kellan Lutz for this girl's 21 year old big brother at [info]triumph_mod. There's a few things locked in stone: First/Last Name, Birthday, the fact that he's super close with his sister and step-cousin [info]liz_harding, his job at the school, and the fact that he has a bit of a violent streak when angry. The rest of it as long as it fits in with the history in Hannah's bio, you can do whatever. On a side note, he's also basically been in love with [info]december_marie for years and hasn't really acted on it yet/her baby daddy, though we can retcon that so that he doesn't know yet if you want. Anyway, comment here or IM

2. New writers for [info]triumph_mod. New people are always fun, we're a really welcoming group and we've been open for 21 months now! I love this game and the people in it so much I can't even tell you guys. It's a really laidback game, promise.
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Sunday, December 12th, 2010

What I'd love for Christmas is enough apps at [info]thetruegame for it to start early! This guy here could use his sister and his ex-fiance. I've got another character in the works who has five siblings and at least one ex, plus a fair amount of people who are displeased with him. I can offer all sort of lines and such for those interested.

We've got a few bites already, bu I'm too exited with all the brainstorming to wait until Jan 1st! Grant my RP wish and help us get to ten characters so we can start ASAP!!
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Hello [info]rpwishes! All of my rp wishes have to do with [info]blueridge, a supernatural game set in North Carolina. Please bear with me if this is a little jumbled or rambly, I've been sick so my brain is kinda mushy.

→ For my werewolf [info]mistyloo, I'd give anything to get a Michelle Pfeiffer, or Madonna as her mom. Misty's dad is already in game, and there would be multiple other lines to be had! There's more details to the line, so if anyone wants to hear them don't hesitate to ask!
→ Again, for [info]mistyloo her two older brothers. I'm honestly not picky on their pbs, but I can offer suggestions if needed.
→ More werewolves in general, for either pack in game. We'd really love to have the beta male and female for Pop's pack though.
→ For my demon [info]asmodeus he needs the rest of the seven deadly sins! Seriously, there's only two in game, so seeing the other five would be super. There's some face suggestions and whatnot located here.
→ For my hunter [info]alexia, she needs a white witch friend who has helped her out more times than she can count. She'd need to be part of The Pure coven, and as far as pbs go I'm open to suggestions, but I did have Katherine Heigl, Rachel McAdams, or Emilie de Ravin in mind.
→ Again for [info]alexia her mom and dad would be lovely to see in game. She comes from a long line of hunters, and even though her dad isn't as active as he once used to be she'd love to have their support in Asheville. For her dad I had Gary Oldman, or Alan Rickman in mind, and for her mom Candice Bergen, or Meryl Streep.

Really any of the wanted characters on that page would make my day.
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All I wish for this Christmas is to see more applicants show up to [info]heroish. The community is steadily coming up to the six month anniversary mark and we want to see it go to another six months so it can get that year anniversary mark. The players are awesome, characters are awesome and it's not like there's a shortage of threading.

I guess I follow that thought with it'd be nice to see the wanted characters played in game, but in general, more awesome additions to this game would be sweet.
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