Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

happy almost new year!

♥ I'd love some Bridgit Mendler icons. I have a bunch made at [info]musesandicons, but more recent would be fabulous and I have a growing to-do list icon wise so I don't have time to make them for the [info]letsdothemods opening this weekend. Help appreciated! I'll make you icons in the future. :D

♥ I'd love more adults at [info]dogdaysmod. I play Lily Potter and Lucius Malfoy and I'm pretty active, but Lily could especially use more friends/enemies her age. She also needs to find love again so a love interest would be wonderful (no forced ships; if it doesn't work, it doesn't work).

♥ Still looking for a lovely reincarnation of [info]crackitup.

♥ Still looking to fill some requests. I think I did some unwittingly, but, to give you an idea of what I can do:

-I make graphics! Icons, banners, etc. However, I'm a little swamped right now so I'd need a few weeks for requests.
-I play characters! Babysitter's Club, Harry Potter, PB, adults, teens, little kids...I'm open in other words.

♥ Let me know if I can help you!
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Friday, December 24th, 2010

Dear Santa...

I know this is coming a little late, but I hope somehow maybe for my birthday one of these wishes could be granted.

1. An anime RPG that isn't pan-fandom, not Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, Pokemon, Digimon, or any other Adult Swim anime. Preferably a shoujo series.
2. Some sort of animation RPG.
3. An original medieval RPG along the lines of Peter S. Beagle not too dark
4. Some icons of Claire Danes as a red-head for [info]shockingsoprano
5. Someone to play Black Tom and/or Multiple Man at [info]no_good_deed

That's really all I want. Is that too much to ask for?
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Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

1. A Lee Pace to fill this storyline at [info]sheriffmod. You would come in with several awesome storylines.

2. I would love a Kristen Holden Ried for the werewolf best friend of [info]altercations at [info]sheriffmod and possible love interest for [info]wickedlywitchy


4. A Co-Mod for a The Walking Dead Game maybe?
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Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

and a storyline in an rp

Good morning, [info]rpwishes!

1. Hey, Little Sister: I've been pimping since I started playing Bobby Drake's son ([info]iceisback) for his little sister. At this point, I'd give my left kidney to see her active in game. I'm not particular about the PB as long as she can pass as related to him, though I have suggestions for that and powers. My only requests are a) that her powers aren't in any way related to cryokinesis, and b) that it's a close sibling bond. The character comes prepackaged with tons of lines, and I would love you forever.

2. I Bet You Don't Remember Me: Also for [info]iceisback, a childhood friend that he lost touch with only to reunite with her at either Xavier's School or the Marin Headlands compound. Emma Roberts or Brenda Song would be adorable, but I am not picky. I'd love it if they were the type of friends that are comfortable enough to say or do whatever in front of each other and not care. Besides, Robbie needs more friends to be totally ridiculous with. Fact!

3. I See Trouble on the Way: How about Alex Summers and Lorna Dane's kids? I feel like Chord Overstreet would be perfect for their son. The game would love to see him in game as a a potential rival for X-men leadership. Given Robbie's connection with the current leader, there's potential for an epic line here.

Less detailed wants include Kyle Riabko as the Toynbee boy for my Petros girl ([info]kaboompow), the Worthington boy to round out the kids of the original X-men, and one of the Gleek guys to complete a Brotherhood BFF trio with my Keller girl ([info]decibelle) and the Wynegarde girl ([info]psience), since our hold might have disappeared. :( Bottom line: This game is boss, and I love plotting with new players.

If anyone has or can make good icons of Michael Steger, I would love you forever.

Thank you! ♥
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Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

*More angels/demons at [info]ridgewayresort (any fandom at all)

*More activity at [info]headofapinlogs

*PSLs (Supernatural) for my Ruby & girl!Cas (preferably with a Dean for both, but I'm flexible)

*Games (HP) for my Hermione, Ginny & Bellatrix (or psls)

*Icon manips for (Supernatural) Anna/Gabriel, Ruby2.0/Dean, Anna/Crowley, Sam/Jo
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Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

My wishes...

6th and 7th year Slytherins (like Pucey!) for [info]warinside to be friends with at [info]dogdaysmod when it opens Friday. Also girls for him to be close to! Someone who actually knows him, not just the facade he presents.

More players over at Pelham Place when it reopens for the new year.

To get other people to read the Magic University books by Cecilia Tan and fall in love so I can have a game based in that world after canon closes. And to go with that, someone to co-mod that game with me so I don't have to go it alone.

A game where I can play Neville against a Harry who is open to being thoroughly crushed on. Harry need not return Nev's affections, although a player who's willing to have Harry unwittingly confuse poor Nev is a major bonus.

Icon sets! I mean, like, I have a ton in progress, but concise groups of 100 or so caps/images and a specific person to icon let me whip through sets quickly. You give me a zip of images, I'll post them cheerily to my icon journal when they're done and let you know.
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Monday, November 29th, 2010

[info]enamoured's Wish List:

1. More people to icon! I have an icon community, [info]liquidturkey. I like making icons, and I'm more than willing to make them for people if/when they ask. My only caveat with that is that you provide me with a link to specific pictures and/or a photo gallery because going through Google Images to look for pictures can be taxing.

2. This one line. I play [info]bingsley at [info]thewizards, and her premade is the Jessie, and I'd love love lavh love to have The Hercules finally. PB does not matter, all I know is I don't want the line to be insta-OMG THE HOT GUY NOTICED ME HERE ARE OUR PROBLEMS, because that's boring and I like conflict because it makes whatever happens if/when something more occurs it's that much sweeter. Yeah! I'd like that.

3. This other line. "The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door." Take that and (if you feel inclined) this thread starter and go from there. What happens next? I think this originally started off with the person who knocks (the knocker?) being a Bad Guy in some way (vampire, succubus/incubus, infected with some horrible disease, that sort of thing), but if it's just another stranded human who is in need of surviving then I'd love to work with that as well.

4. A nice, cool-looking Bloggish layout for [info]liquidturkey. Maybe something blue! With a tag menu on the side! (Seriously, I wish IJ had Flexible Squares, SO MANY LAYOUTS I CANNOT USE.)

5. Other people's character mixes. Because I love new music and learning about other people's characters through the music that their writers feel defines them or what their writers think their characters like listening to.
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