Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

happy almost new year!

♥ I'd love some Bridgit Mendler icons. I have a bunch made at [info]musesandicons, but more recent would be fabulous and I have a growing to-do list icon wise so I don't have time to make them for the [info]letsdothemods opening this weekend. Help appreciated! I'll make you icons in the future. :D

♥ I'd love more adults at [info]dogdaysmod. I play Lily Potter and Lucius Malfoy and I'm pretty active, but Lily could especially use more friends/enemies her age. She also needs to find love again so a love interest would be wonderful (no forced ships; if it doesn't work, it doesn't work).

♥ Still looking for a lovely reincarnation of [info]crackitup.

♥ Still looking to fill some requests. I think I did some unwittingly, but, to give you an idea of what I can do:

-I make graphics! Icons, banners, etc. However, I'm a little swamped right now so I'd need a few weeks for requests.
-I play characters! Babysitter's Club, Harry Potter, PB, adults, teens, little kids...I'm open in other words.

♥ Let me know if I can help you!
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